My phone vibrates in my pocket, bringing me back into the moment as I stare at the ceiling. I’m grunting my release in seconds before yanking my cock from her mouth and zipping up my pants. Right now, I have to leave. She’s cracking me wide open, my guts spilling onto the dirty tiles under my feet.

I pull my phone out, seeing the message sitting there, then exit the stall. ‘See you later, beautiful,’ I say as I head for the main bathroom door.

There’s no movement or noise from Matilda and I’m not sure if she’s pissed or what, because I’m a gutless piece of shit who couldn’t even look her in the eyes after I came inside her mouth.

But I can deal with a pissed-off Matilda. It’s an in-love-with-me Matilda that I don’t know what to do with.



* * *

Audrey pulls up in front of my house that afternoon, but I’m so inside my head that I don’t notice the blond leaning up against a car sitting in Wren’s driveway until Audrey points her out.

‘Who’s that?’

I shrug. ‘No idea.’ But it’s a great fucking question. Wren left school early today after running out on me in the bathroom. Is this the reason? He doesn’t have to tell me everything, but I thought with the way things are going, he’d at least tell me if he was sick or something.

‘Strange,’ Audrey says. ‘Anyway, I’m sure it’s nothing. Now get out bitch, I have things to do.’

I feign hurt. ‘Wow, love you too.’

Audrey blows me a kiss. ‘You know I love you, but get the fuck out of my car. I have ten minutes to get home before Koby arrives.’

I’m laughing, my stomach in knots as I hold my sides. ‘Did you just drop an F-bomb?’

Audrey’s eyes widen before she covers her mouth. ‘Oh shit, I did. Whoops.’

My best friend is a bit of a prude with swearing. It seems I’m wearing off on her after all these years. ‘I’m so proud of you, babe. You said your first naughty word.’

‘Oh my God, get out.’ Audrey shoves me into the door. ‘I hope you choke on your own saliva… wait, no I don’t. That was a bit much.’ She grins at me like she’s the most innocent person in the entire world.

‘I’m sure you didn’t,’ I say with a wink as I hop out of the car. I’m trying to keep my intrusive thoughts about Wren out of my head. It doesn’t work.

As Audrey blows me a kiss and drives off, I try to ignore the nausea swirling around in my stomach, while averting my eyes from the gorgeous blond staring at me. Does she know about Wren and me? Should I tell her so she can run far, far away?

Straightening, I head up the driveway, keeping my eyes on the front door, which is to be my escape from all the feelings pounding inside my chest.

That hope is short-lived, though, when the blond waves to me. ‘Hi,’ she says, a bright smile on her perfect face. She’s so beautiful, it’s hard to ignore her, with her bright blue eyes and red lips.

Be rude. Keep walking.

But I don’t. My usual self would be tempted to tell her to fuck off, considering she’s likely sleeping with the same man as me, except something stops me from being a total bitch. I wave instead, hoping that will entertain her enough that she leaves me alone to wallow in my self-pity.

It doesn’t. She’s coming towards me, her hand stretched out. ‘I’m Carla.’

I take her hand. ‘Matilda.’

‘Wren’s told me so much about you.’ Her hair sits dead straight, sitting just above her shoulders, not one strand out of place. She’s not looking at me like she hates me, but maybe she’s just biding her time until she can chew me out and tell me to stay away from her man.

‘Yeah, right?’ I’m tempted to roll my eyes.

Carla frowns. ‘He said you are working on a project together?’

‘Is that all he told you?’ Of course it is. If he told her we were screwing each other on an almost-daily basis, it would ruin his chances of getting into her pants, if he hasn’t already.

‘I’m not following.’ She tilts her head as she examines my face.