‘Care to remind me what that is babe?’ I raise an eyebrow at her, trying to hide my smirk.
‘Ha ha. Hilarious.’ She points to Wren. ‘Get my girl home safe, or I’ll castrate you.’
Wren salutes her. ‘Yes ma’am.’
Audrey winks, then pulls Koby back towards the club. Did I miss something in the twenty minutes since this fight erupted? I make a mental note to call her in the morning as well. She has some serious explaining to do.
Emerson trails behind with Clive and Trevor, kicking his feet, his curls bouncing on the top of his head. He looks… sad? I’m not sure, but I don’t have time to worry about him when the gorgeous, but painful, firecracker next to me is consuming my body heat.
When our friends have disappeared inside the club again, I jut my chin at Wren. ‘Where’s your car?’
‘Over there.’ He nods in the direction of his car, so I storm towards it, unable to control myself any longer.
How the fuck am I not supposed to get feelings for Wren when he goes and does shit like this?
God, maybe he’s nothing like my father after all. To be fair, I haven’t seen him with anyone else since the dick-sucking incident. I can’t shake the feeling that he’s just as drawn to me, as I am to him. It’s not just the kisses we’ve shared. There’s something tangible, something real sparking between us. Like two sides of a coin, we can’t escape each other even if we want to. All we can do is turn the other way while one of us lands flat on our face.
Silence fills the car until we’re parked in his driveway. Wren shuts off the ignition but doesn’t make a move to get out. He keeps his hands gripped on the steering wheel while he just stares straight ahead.
‘Yours or mine?’ I say, needing one of us to say something.
‘Your hands need cleaning. Yours or mine?’
He sighs and lifts a shoulder, letting his hands go limp in his lap. ‘Don’t care.’
‘Yours it is.’ I climb out of the car and march up the steps to his porch, then wait at the front door for him to open it.
When we get upstairs, all the lights are off, except one down the hall from Wren’s room, the light filtering out from under the door. I pause. That must be Wren’s parents’ room, which has me wondering how his mum is doing. I instinctively move in that direction until Wren grabs my arm.
‘Not that way.’
‘Right, sorry. Where then?’
‘My room.’ He nods to his left, before opening the door.
I follow Wren into his room, where he takes his shirt off and throws it on his bed. Blood from the fight has seeped through his shirt and is covering his chest.
Prying my eyes from his body, I glance around at his neat-freak room. This is the first time I’ve been inside Wren’s bedroom, so I take my time admiring the dark grey and navy. It smells like him, making me want to climb into his bed and wrap myself in the sheets. It looks nothing like a teenage boy’s room, though. It’s spotless, not one item out of place except for a stack of… are those medical textbooks?
I move closer to the pile of thick books to get a better look, but Wren clears his throat, telling me he’s getting impatient. I’ve only ever had a narrow view into Wren’s world, but now I’m surrounded by it, I don’t want to leave it.
* * *
Iknow what she’s staring at, but I’m not in the mood to talk about it, so if she starts with the questions, I may just lose the last grip I have remaining on my anger.
As I clear my throat, I’m met with those beautiful brown eyes, except they’re darker tonight. Something about them different in the way she looks at me. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but I swear I see something close to admiration. Not that I deserve it.
‘Come on then,’ she says as she drags me into the ensuite of my room. She points to the edge of the bathtub. ‘Sit.’
‘So bossy,’ I say, a slight smirk on my face.
But I do as I’m told. Goddamn, she’s cute as hell when she’s mad at me.