Although I’m not sure why I’m even apologising. He should thank me for stopping him when I did. What if he killed the guy?

Plus, I don’t want him getting into trouble because of me. And I certainly don’t want to owe him anything. But the feelings bubbling up inside me right now have my brain forming incoherent nonsense.

He doesn’t need to know his protectiveness over me does something to my body. And my fucking heart.

Wren steps closer, his chest only a few centimetres from my face, as he traces his bottom lip with his tongue.

‘That fucking piece of shit had his hands on you,’ he says through gritted teeth, his eyes darting between mine.

I drop my head. ‘I… I know.’

Wren paces again, clenching and unclenching his fists. What I want to do is pull him into me so I can crush my lips to his. Have his skin under my hands again so I can thank him with my body.

I’m amped up, and if I don’t move away from him, things are going to happen that I may regret in the morning. So I suck in a deep breath and almost trip over myself as I take a couple of steps backwards. ‘Thank you,’ I say, my fingers twisting together in front of me.

Blood drips from Wren’s hands onto the pavement when he shakes them out of the death grip he’s had on them.

I lurch forward, grabbing his hands to inspect the injuries. ‘You’re hurt. Christ, Wren.’

He laughs. Fucking laughs at me. ‘I’m fine,’ he says and yanks his hands from mine before wiping the backs of them on his jeans.

My stomach stirs, heat engulfing me at how easy it is for him to beat someone up, and continue to act like he’s unaffected.

Fucking arrogant arsehole.

Audrey and Clive walk up behind me, reminding me they’re here. It’s often the case that when I’m near Wren, the rest of the world just melts into nothingness.

Koby and Emerson appear next, pushing their way through the crowd that is now bored and heading back inside.

‘Holy fuck,’ Koby says as he steps up beside me. ‘What happened?’

‘Nice of you to show up,’ Wren says. ‘Great backup you two are.’ He kicks a small rock on the pavement, sending it flying into the middle of the road.

I snort, making everyone look my way. ‘What? As if he needed back up.’

Koby slings an arm around my shoulders. ‘You should see—’

Wren backhands Koby in the chest, leaving blood stains on his light blue shirt, making him mumble something under his breath.

‘What is it?’ I say to Koby.

He shakes his head as he eyes Wren. ‘Nothing.’

‘Do you need me to take you home?’ Clive says, glancing from me to Wren.

I shake my head. ‘It’s okay. I’ll go back with Wren.’ This makes Wren glance up, his face softening when he meets my eyes.

Clive wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head before reaching out and taking Trevor’s hand. ‘Call me tomorrow?’

I nod. ‘Sure.’

‘Night, Til,’ Trevor says, raising his hand in a quick wave.

‘Night, Trevor. Look after this one for me.’ I poke Clive in the ribs, making him swat at me.

‘Iwillkill you, bitch,’ he says, giving me the finger.

Audrey gives Wren a once-over before she hugs me. ‘Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’