Just when I think I’m free, Derek Jones comes into view and opens his goddamn stupid mouth.

‘Matilda, baby, what time do those legs open? I’d like to come inside some time.’

Fuck me. My feet dig in, stopping me dead. Who says shit like that? He couldn’t be more cliché or corny if he tried.

After a couple of seconds, I take a step towards Matilda, clenching my hands so hard at my sides that I feel the sting of my fingernails cutting into my palms.

It takes a moment for Koby to stop talking and when he realises what’s happening, he throws an arm over my chest. ‘Leave it man, I don’t feel like defending your honour today. I’ve seen you fight, but seven against one doesn’t seem like a fair one.’ He nods towards the lost puppies, who are following Derek – captain of the football team – like he’s some sort of God.

Derek leads the way toward stupid. They’ve all suffered way too many head knocks on the footy field.

‘Seriously? Would you be saying that if he spoke to Audrey like that?’

‘Well… no,’ he says. ‘But don’t do anything stupid, man. The last thing you need right now is to get suspended.’

Suspended? I couldn't care less. Please, put me out of my damn misery. This place feels more like a prison, anyway. Trust me, the end of term can’t come fast enough.

Although, Koby has a point. Mum doesn’t need me screwing up, and I don’t want to be the one to push her over the edge of never returning. Besides, Matilda can handle herself just fine. She seems to want to make a point of that every time she opens her mouth.

But I can’t get a handle on what Derek just spat at her, like it’s not worth savouring every square inch of her body, locking it into your memory.

Just when I think Matilda has ignored him, Clive steps in front of her, his hands on his hips, his lips so tight there’s barely any colour left in them.

‘What the fuck did you just say, Jones?’ Clive practically spits the words at Derek.

Derek lifts his chin, a lopsided grin on his face. ‘You heard me, pretty boy. Besides, I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to that piece of arse behind you.’ Derek laughs as he glances around at his idiot friends. He slaps one of them in the chest, fits of laughter echoing through the hall.

‘Jesus,’ Koby says. ‘What a dick.’

It seems the entire school has stopped to watch the scene unfolding in front of them.

Clive’s face reddens, but Audrey grabs his arm, yanking him back towards her as she whispers something into his ear. That’s when Matilda steps around Clive and hands him her textbooks, a sly little grin on her face.

Goddamn it, Matilda. I take another step towards her, just waiting for the moment to step in and save her from herself.

‘Hey Derek?’ she says as she sashays over to him, batting her long lashes.

Doesn’t she realise she’s pushing me closer to my breaking point?

The way he eats her up as he drags his eyes over her body has my muscles twitching to rearrange his ugly face. Jealousy creeps into my chest, sending tiny little pin pricks of electricity dancing over my skin. Even though I know she’s not impressed by him, the way she’s looking up at him like she wants a piece, is like stabbing a hot iron into my chest just for shits and giggles.

Forget running. She should become an actress.

‘Yeah, sweetheart?’ Derek smirks at his mates before facing her again.

She raises an eyebrow as she smiles up at him. ‘Tell me, were you born this much of an arsehole, or did you take lessons? I’m just wondering how you get out of bed every morning with the size of your ego weighing you down?’

Laughter erupts through the hall again. Except this time it’s directed at Derek. I’m almost impressed by her smart mouth until Derek’s face drops and he steps into her space. He’s so close as he stares down his nose at her, his chest centimetres from her face. I’ll give her this much, she doesn’t bat an eyelid.

Before I know what I’m doing, I’m throwing my bag at Koby and striding my way towards them.

‘Ah, shit,’ Koby says behind me, but I ignore him, keeping my focus on Derek and Matilda.

‘You fucking bitch,’ Derek says. ‘Who do you think you are? You can’t talk to me like that.’

Matilda snorts. ‘Watch me. Later, dickhead,’ she says as she gives him the finger and spins on her heels, her ponytail almost smacking him in the face.

Derek’s face turns red, his nostrils flaring as he grabs her backpack, yanking her back towards him. But Matilda shrugs out of it, only to have her fist cocked seconds later and connecting it with Derek’s nose.