Richie raced out of there like a bat out of hell, then never spoke to me again. Mum got all serious after he left and said I should have waited for someone special, or at least someone I actually liked.
I couldn’t understand the fuss over a woman’s virginity. It was my body. I was sixteen, and old enough to know that I wanted to do it. Richie had been tutoring me in chemistry, and he was cute. One thing lead to another as we cosied up over chemical reactions and the periodic table.
That was about as serious as she had been with me so far, so God knows what she wants to speak to me about now. Last I recall, I haven’t slept with anyone lately. Nor am I planning to.
The alarm on the fridge beeps, warning me I’ve had the door open too long, so I grab the orange juice from the shelf on the door and slam it shut.
Audrey messages to tell me she’s running late. I have about five extra minutes, so I undo the lid on the juice and lift the bottle to my lips, closing my eyes as I take a long sip. When I open my eyes again, I’m making sure Mum isn’t sneaking up on me. She hates it when I drink from the bottle.
Just like your father.
But I’m nothing like that prick. It’s not my fault orange juice is my undoing and I can’t be bothered to put it into a glass. Besides, Mum doesn’t drink it, so it’s not like she’d be sharing my germs.
I grab a banana from the fruit bowl as I make my way towards the door. When I step out onto the porch, a rush of warm air greets me, whipping my hair around my face as I head down the driveway to wait for Audrey.
While I’m not paying attention, someone steps up beside me, sending my hand flying to my chest.
I squint towards the tall figure silhouetted by the bright sun. ‘What the hell are you doing?’
‘Waiting for you,’ Wren says as he steps in front of me to block the sun.
I blink rapidly, trying to dull the sunspots from my vision. ‘Why?’
‘Need a lift?’
He inspects his fingernails. ‘Suit yourself. But you realise we have an assignment to start.’ His voice lowers. ‘I’d be happy to come over tonight.’
Is he still talking about the assignment? I peel my banana so I don’t have to look at how beautiful he is. ‘You know we can start on our own?’
‘I’d rather start… with you.’ He watches me as I take a bite of the banana, his Adam’s apple bobbing when he swallows. When he focuses on my eyes again, he stands up taller, tucking his hands into his pockets.
I raise an eyebrow. ‘You’re so weird.’
He opens his mouth to say something, but he’s cut off when Audrey pulls up in front of my house, honking the horn. If anyone was still sleeping, they aren’t now. With the window down, she leans out of it, pulling her sunglasses down her nose as she tilts her head forward to glance over them.
A massive grin fills her face. ‘Hey Wren, want a lift?’
He gives her a curt nod. ‘I’m good. Thanks.’ His focus is on me again. ‘So what time?’
With a groan, I throw my head back. ‘Fine. Seven o’clock. And bring pizza.’
I walk towards the car, leaving Wren to watch me sway my hips a little more than usual. May as well give him the best show of his life as he watches me walk away.
I’m not even sure why I find the need to tease him like that. But something about doing it makes me feel a little naughty. And if it affects Wren even a slight bit, then I’ve done my duty.
Audrey already has the passenger door of her red Mini open for me when I reach the end of the driveway. When I climb in, she’s eyeing me as she runs her tongue over her top teeth. ‘Ouch, that boy is damn fine,’ she says as she fans her face.
‘Calm down,’ I say, giving her a sideways glance. ‘He’s all yours if you want him.’
‘Please, you know I’m not interested in him. Plus, you know he’s gorgeous, Matilda. Don’t act like you’re immune to his beauty,’ she says, nudging my shoulder. ‘I see it in the way your cheeks flush when he’s around.’
I cover my face with my hands. Am I that obvious? I damn sure hope not. Wren isn’t stupid, and with women, he’s seen it all. I’d just be jumping headfirst into a bottomless pit by wearing my hormones on my goddamn face.