When my mum passed, I found out that the house was only in her name and seeing as her and my dad were no longer together, they’d agreed that the house would go to me. Apparently my dad had other assets or some shit. Anyway, the house is supposed to be mine, but my dad has fucked up big time. Now I know what he’s done, and I’m just glad my mum isn’t here to witness the shit about to go down.

Talking wouldn’t fix anything. But I don’t care about him. Everything I need is right here with me. Matilda is more family to me than my dad ever was.

‘I have some good news,’ Matilda says, resting her chin on my chest. ‘I got in to nationals. One of the State girls got disqualified for banned substances.’

‘Holy shit, baby. That’s great news.’ With her face in my hands, I kiss the tip of her nose. ‘So they had to cheat to beat my girl. Makes sense.’

She shrugs. ‘It didn’t matter… you know, if you didn’t wake up.’

‘I missed you. Kiss me,’ I say, pulling her face to mine so I can press my lips to hers. Her body trembles as I lick away the saltiness of her tears. ‘I won’t break.’

She smiles against my lips. ‘I know. I’m just so… happy. If I had lost you…’ Her voice cracks again.

‘Never.’ I pull her against my chest and listen to her breathing settle into a slow rhythm. I don’t deserve her at all.



* * *

When Matilda invited me over for dinner tonight, I didn’t realise it’d be with her mum and her new boyfriend.

Since coming home from the hospital, I’ve been bombarded with love and food from Matilda’s mum. I love Sue, and when my mum was alive, she was a godsend to me, especially since my dad failed to show up for us. So, we’re cool. Eli, on the other hand – I can’t stand the guy. For one, he creeps me the fuck out. And two, he creeps me right the fuck out.

The only thing sweetening this evening of listening to Eli crap on about everything I don’t care about is the fact that Matilda is wearing a pair of denim shorts that show off her fine arse and a tank top that gives me an eyeful of her perfect tits.

I have to adjust my dick every few minutes from the semi I’ve been rocking since she answered the door almost an hour ago. Getting knocked out has done nothing to stem my sex drive. It’s worse than it was before the fight.

Besides, Matilda knows what she’s doing, saving her skimpiest outfits for when I’m around.

‘So, Wren,’ Eli says, taking a mouthful of food from his fork, ‘what does your dad do for work these days?’

I stare at him for a long moment from across the dining table. None of your fucking business.

‘Investment banker,’ I say.

Eli nods. ‘Interesting.’ He takes another bite of food. ‘He was always into that sort of thing, even when we were at school. Bit of the nerdy type.’

Why is that interesting? Plenty of people work for a living.

‘Does he work away often? I’ve been here a few weeks now, and I haven’t bumped into him.’

Jesus Christ. What’s with the inquisition?

‘I’m not his keeper.’ I place my cutlery down and lean back in my chair, crossing my ankle over the opposite knee.

We stare at each other for a moment, before his eyes flick to Sue. ‘This is great, honey.’

What a dick. Could this guy be any more full of it?

I roll my eyes, before they land on Matilda. She’s glaring at me as though she wants to rip my throat out, her tiny nostrils flaring, but I don’t care. This guy doesn’t need to know my business, even if he is who he says he is.

Which he’s not. I can bet on that much.

Lifting my chin, I nod at Eli. ‘What’s the deal with you, anyway? What do you do for work?’

He waves a hand in front of him dismissively. ‘Oh, you know, a bit of everything.’