“You think Alden is alive?”
“I know it, Dad.”
He nods. “Your mother and I have a suite at the Preston Hotel. They have good security. It’s going to get crazier, sweetie. We want you to come and stay with us until we see what happens on Monday.”
It’s tempting. He’s right that this is going to be a circus now.
“Mia and Luke have promised to keep an eye on things. Once the media and the people see you aren’t here, they should stop stalking the house.”
I’m sure the rest of the neighbors would appreciate me leaving as well. “Okay, yeah. Let me pack some things.”
He waits downstairs while I throw my clothes, bathroom items, and phone charger into my suitcase. Alden’s coin is in my pocket and the one on my dresser joins it. We need our luck more than ever. I give my room another look to make sure I’m not forgetting anything. When I come back, it’ll be with Alden. The thought raises my spirits.
“Go ahead,” I tell Dad. “I’ll be right behind you.”
Other than having questions shouted at us, neither of us has any trouble getting out of my driveway and away from the house. I follow him across town to the Preston Hotel.
Dad barely has the hotel room door open before Mom tackles me in a hug. “Ella! I was so worried! You’ve been all over the news. They said your studio has been closed down and you’ve had threats and—”
I squeeze her tight. “Mom, stop. I’m alright. I promise.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“I’m sorry. Let’s sit down and I’ll fill you in on everything.”
It feels good to get it all out. We sit on the balcony while I tell them everything that’s happened. I don’t sugar coat my part in it. Mom looks like she might hunt down the interviewer who told the world about my pregnancy when I show them the video.
“So, it’s true?” Dad asks, rubbing his chin. “We’re going to be grandparents?” A sweet smile is his response to my nod.
After another twenty minutes of questions, I’ve covered everything. “What can we do?” Mom asks, and I reach out to squeeze her hand.
“You’re doing it. I’m glad you’re here. Monday seems like a lifetime away.”
My phone rings with a video chat request from Milo. He never calls that way. Something is wrong. “It’s Milo,” I announce, answering it.
Milo stares at the camera. “There you are. Can you see me?”
“Yeah, is something wrong?” Other than the obvious.
“I thought it might be better to show you.” He flips the camera and steps outside of the shop.
Holy shit. The entire parking lot is full of people. They hold signs and some are screaming at each other. It’s madness. An empty strip runs down the middle of the crowd where multiple police officers patrol, keeping them apart.
He turns the camera back to his face. “It happened fast. Half of them are here to support Alden and you. The other half are screaming them down for supporting murderers. There’s a news truck out there too.” He notices the background of where I’m sitting. “Are you okay? Are you somewhere safe?”
“I am. My parents are in town and I’m staying at a hotel with them.” There’s no doubt about what the right decision is now. “Send the guys home. Cancel any appointments for the next week. Put up a sign that Stokes Brothers is closed until further notice. Hopefully, after the results, things will calm down. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” he says. “People need to get a fucking life.”
“Is Smith there?”
Milo walks inside as he answers. His lips twitch and a smile flashes on his face for a second. “Smith’s right here. He about shit himself when he looked outside and saw the news camera. I guess he thinks he’s too pretty to be on TV for free.”
“Fuck off,” Smith says, snatching the phone from Milo.
“Hey, we’re going to close for a week, but I wanted to see if you can release the payroll before you go. Take the business laptop home with you, if you wouldn’t mind. In case the following week’s pay needs to be sent before you can return.” At least they never froze the business account and paying them their next week ahead of time isn’t a hardship.
“No problem. Anything else?”