Page 56 of Almost Us

Overwhelming anxiety accompanies my cautious joy. It’s not over yet. It’s so hard to focus. “What does that mean?”

“If the prosecution doesn’t accept this as proof of Alden’s identity, a hearing will be necessary for a judge to decide whether to dismiss the case, and that could take up to two weeks to take place. If the prosecution agrees that they’ve mistaken Alden for Oliver, they’ll withdraw the charges, and I’ll walk him out of the jail today.”

“You’re at the courthouse? That’s where he’s being held too, right? I’m on my way.”

“I already have a car on the way to you, along with security. They’ll bring you inside. The courthouse and jail annex are closed to the public due to the demonstrators.”

“We’re coming with her,” Dad announces.

“That’s fine. Either way this goes, the media will be watching. The more family on his side the better.”

After I hang up, I stand there with the phone in my hand, still stunned that something has gone our way.

“Ella?” Dad says.

He and Mom stare at me and tears burn my eyes. “I knew it. I knew it was him.”

Mom grabs me in a hug. “Your heart knew.”


Nothing could’ve prepared me for the level of chaos taking place outside the justice building. It looks like all the demonstrators moved from Stokes Brothers to here and brought a fuck ton of friends with them.

The car that Lowell sent circles the building, taking us away from the crowd and to a side door. Two security officers lead us inside and through a small maze of hallways with shiny wooden floors. I’m familiar with the courtrooms section but I’ve never been in this part of the building before. We pass by rows of offices and judge’s chambers before the security officer stops and nods toward a row of chairs. “Wait here.”

Alden is here somewhere, maybe with Lowell, maybe still in a cage on the opposite side of the building. My stomach churns as we take a seat and do what it feels like I’ve been doing forever. Wait.

I’m not sure what to expect. Lowell said he was meeting with the prosecutor. That was nearly an hour ago. Has the decision been made? Is he busy filing a motion to dismiss that will send me home without Alden again?

We’re quiet, and no voices come from the rooms around us. They appear to be empty. Whatever is happening isn’t taking place in one of these rooms. They probably put us here to separate us from the nightmare our case is causing outside.

Mom and Dad sit while I pace. It feels like my whole life is being decided by one man right now. Leaning against the wall, I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

“Ella,” Dad says softly. When I look up at him, he gestures to my left.

I turn my head and there he is.

Alden walks toward us with Lowell at his side. If the fact that he isn’t cuffed or being led by officers wasn’t enough to tell me he’s free, the smile on his face would do it. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. He holds his arms out when I race toward him.

Strong arms scoop me up and squeeze me so tight I can’t breathe. “It’s over, El.”

My sobs are triggered by his words, and I can’t let go of him. He rubs my back and murmurs in my ear. “It’s okay. It’s all over.”

Finally, I manage to release him. Lowell wears a self-satisfied smile while he fills us in. “All charges have been withdrawn. The proof of his identity has also been presented to the judge, who will start the process of cancelling the death certificate and reissuing one for Oliver. It’ll take some time to sort all of that out and legally bring him back to life, but there’s no doubt about his identity.”

Lowell chuckles when I grab him in a hug too. “Thank you so much.”

He grins down at me. “It’s what I do. Just make sure Matthew McConaughey plays me in the movie. I’ll never have a case as outrageous as this one again.”

Laughter fills the air. Mom and Dad both hug Alden, but the catching up will have to wait. Lowell advises us that the media is waiting out front. “The prosecutor is preparing to make a statement to hopefully clear the crowd and stop the demonstrating. Afterward, I think Alden should say a few things. The more you try to avoid them, the crazier things are likely to get. My advice is to give a simple statement now, thank the public for supporting you, and ask for them to respect your privacy.”

It's a terrifying thought, facing that crowd when a portion of them are vitriolic, but it’s the first step toward trying to return to a normal life. Alden slides his hand into mine and looks down at me. Squeezing his hand, I agree. After everything we’ve been through, we’ve got this. Together, we can do anything.

Mom and Dad are led to another room to wait for us to meet them. Lowell escorts us to the front doors of the courthouse, but we don’t walk out right away. The prosecutor stands on the top step with microphones pointed at him. The crowd is hushed, but the reporters jostle each other, shouting questions.

“Have the charges been dropped against Oliver Stokes?”

This is the question he chooses to answer. “The prosecution maintains that Oliver Stokes is guilty of conspiracy to murder his brother and of the murder of Kevin Thornton. However, biological testing has now shown that the man we had in custody is not Oliver Stokes, but his twin brother, Alden Stokes. The perpetrator of the crime is deceased and so there is no case to pursue against him.”