“You never have to doubt whether I want more time with you. The answer is always yes. All I ever want with you is more. I want everything. Every good morning kiss and every night in bed. And everything in between.”
“I love you.” They’re the only words I can manage while he holds me.
A sharp knock at the door downstairs breaks the moment.
Frowning, I glance at the clock. It’s after one a.m. “Who the hell?”
We both head downstairs to find the front door open. Tori and Paul stand there talking to a police officer.
Tori looks back at me and gestures for us to join them. “This is the culprit. He didn’t break in, but he is stealing my best friend. Can you charge him for that?”
The officer who smiles at me is a young woman not too much older than me. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you?” Confused, I look at Tori.
“Someone called about a burglar sneaking in your window.”
Laughing, I link my arm around Alden’s. “He’d be a terrible burglar. The window got caught and I had to help him. Sorry for the false alarm.”
She chuckles and steps outside, calling back to us. “Not a problem. Have a good night.”
It’s the best night. After a celebratory drink with my friends, they go to bed while Alden and I sit up until dawn, cuddling and making plans for our future.
It’s one of the happiest moments of my life.
Something is up when I pull into Stokes Brothers to meet Alden for lunch. Milo, Hudson, and Oliver are gathered out in front of the shop, along with a few people I don’t recognize. Customers presumably.
“What’s going on?” I ask, looking for Alden.
Hudson pipes up. “We had to evacuate.”
“Was there a fire?” My alarm is growing. “Where’s Alden?” His bike is parked nearby, and he knew I was coming. I just talked to him a few minutes ago.
“He’s inside with Smith trying to kill a bat in the office,” Oliver says.
A shriek comes spilling out of the garage, followed by laughter. “I don’t think he’s winning,” Hudson chuckles.
“Well, go help him!” I exclaim, looking at Milo, then the other guys.
“No way,” Hudson says. “Creepy sky monsters.”
My lips press together when I turn my attention to Milo. “I’m allergic to bats,” he says.
“You’re full of shit!” Oliver says. “You’re scared like the rest of us.”
Hudson reaches over and flaps his hands. “Hey Milo, imagine if it got caught it your beard.”
Milo shudders, and I roll my eyes. Never let anyone convince you the big burly guys aren’t teddy bears. I’m going inside to see if they’ve caught it.
As soon as I step through the raised garage door, a black streak darts above my head and out into the sky. Alden and Smith run out behind it. Smith wields a broom over his head and Alden carries a…plunger?
“It flew out.” They’re the only words I manage before my entire body is shaking with laughter.
Smith lowers the broom slowly.
“A plunger,” I squeak, fighting for breath. “Why…why.” Laughter prevents me from continuing. Another peek at him and the way he holds it like a baseball bat has my sides aching and my lungs begging for air.