Page 17 of Cookies and Cream

Part of me worries that now I’m going to hear that Red is out of the room. That she’s just being nice because she knows Red at the very least likes me a whole damn lot.

“You’re thinking of asking to marry my granddaughter, aren’t you?”

“Uh... maybe,” I lie.

“She told me about you and your little courthouse marriage idea, mister, you can’t hide it from me.”

“Sorry, Miss. She’s just... she’s just so beautiful. She’s lovely. She’s witty. She’s fun. She’s... a whole lot of things I don’t want to talk about in front of a stranger. I’ve never felt more intensely about anything like this than I have before.”

“Then do what you feel is right, Hood. If you’re worried about me stopping you, I’m not. Just take care of her and love her with all of your heart.”

I nod. “I will, Miss.”

“Also check your car’s brakes regularly or I will haunt you.”

I cock an eyebrow. What an odd piece of advice, but I make note of it anyway. It must be very important to her.

Red returns with a glass vase, filled with water. She helps Grandma put the roses in, setting them down on the old woman’s nightstand. Red then turns to me with a smile.

“Shall we?”

“We shall.”

She offers me her hand, and I take it, and together we march down the stairs and toward my waiting snowmobile.

She’s looking nervous the entire time, this time for an entirely different reason rather than her grandmother taking a strong interest in her love life.

“I got reservations at a fancy Italian place. About the only fancy place in town, and we’re going to be showing up on a snowmobile.”

As we climb onto my vehicle, and she wraps her hands around me, she whispers into my ear. “I’m feeling kind of ‘meh’ about Italian food right now. How about we consider an alternative?”

“What do you mean? Thought you wanted a fancy dinner.”

“I think I’d like it, but if it isn’t too much to ask, I don’t think I want it tonight. Can you reschedule the reservations?”

“That can be done, but what’s wrong? Do you want something else instead?”

She giggles as I turn my neck to face her, and smiles. “I want you instead, Hood.”

I laugh and raise an eyebrow. “Gonna have to ask you to be more specific, Red.”

“I don’t think there’s too much to get. I just think it’s high time that Red finally rides Hood. Or do I need to be even more specific than that?”

God, I’m constantly reminded why I like her. Why I love her.

“I don’t think you need to be more specific than that, ma’am. I know we’re in front of your place, but I’m thinking my place might be the better option here.”

“Let’s go Hood. Let’s go to what may very well be our family home.”

It’s music to my ears. Yes, the anticipation of having her in any way again is intense, But moreover? She’s realizing that her feelings about me are just as intense as my feelings about her. Simple facts that can’t possibly be denied, and embracing our inevitable lust and love for one another.

The snowmobile roars on as I pull out and head through the woods again. Usually I don’t ride this fast, but there’s a fire inside me and riding with a huge hard-on ain’t exactly the easiest thing in the world. Luckily we reach my cabin without me clumsily crashing into a tree in my hurry.

“What the...” she mumbles as I sweep her right off the snowmobile in my arms, and continue my rush, this time on foot. Through my front door, I kick it closed behind me, and I rush up the stairs to my room. I have a king-sized bed in my room, one I had gotten for myself because I liked to stretch out sometimes. Now though, I’m thankful for the extra space for an entirely different purpose.

I playfully slam down Red onto the bed, her gleefully giggling as I throw away her jacket and hastily pull her shirt up and over her head. She’s snatching away the buttons of my collared shirt, being a bit wild with it. I had actually dressed up for the occasion, as fancy as a Linesworth mountain man can be, but turns out it was all for nothing.

This isn’t a complaint, though. I’d have Red over fancy shmancy Italian food any day.