Page 12 of Cookies and Cream

We go up to the front door of the mansion-cabin. “Well then, here you go. I’ll be back at seven-thirty to pick you up for dinner, complete with your Grandmother’s Chinese feast.”

Although if she can afford a place like this I wonder why she can’t bribe them to deliver out here anyway.

“Can’t wait, Hood. Thanks for trying to do this right.”

I rub my chin. “You know, if we head back down into Linesworth before five, we can get to the courthouse and get hitched before they close.”

She bursts into laughter. Oh, how I’m growing to love that sound. “You’re literally insane, you know that right?”

“Insanely in love with you, babe.”

She plants a kiss on my lips. It’s slightly above a friendly peck in intensity, but I think I love it all the same.

Red then disappears behind the door, leaving me alone, all of the sudden wanting for her, even if it’s only been a second without her in my presence.

My head in the clouds, I head back down to my snowmobile, my thoughts filled with her and everything I want to do to her, and everything I want to do with her.

This has to be it, right? The passion that Baker and Rainier talked about. The need. The desire. If this ain’t it, I’m kinda afraid of what is.

Even riding my snowmobile feels empty without her arms around me. It feels like it should be the new normal even though I've ridden this thing for hundreds of hours and only with her for a simple fifteen minutes.

I head down into Linesworth proper, the snow on the ground thick enough for me to use even in town. Despite her protests of me going way too fast? My destination is Eternal Shine, a local jewelry boutique.

I’m a bit timid inside. It’s the first time I’ve ever been in a place like this. The closest thing I’ve ever worn to jewelry is my grandfather’s watch, and with smartphones existing, I only wear that to formal occasions.

The small mousey woman behind the counter smiles at me though. I’m the first wide-shouldered bearded guy to wander in here, after all. “May I help you sir?”

“What’s the biggest real diamond you have on hand? I want it now, I don't want to wait for it to come in for order.”

“Ah, that sort of urgency. I’ll be right back, sir.” She shifts her glasses and nods, before going back behind the store.

I tap the glass waiting, only to hear the entrance bell ring. I turn to face the sound of the noise. Rainier and Ansel, one of his friends.

“Hood Crumble, what on Earth are you doing in a place like this?”

Rainier is behind him, shaking his head, arms crossed. This was Ansel’s idea to come in and harass me, and Rainier couldn’t stop him.

“Maybe I’m looking for some bling, Ansel. Thinking of becoming one of those guys who wears twenty pounds of jewelry at all times, like Mister T does.”

Rainier shakes his head in disbelief. Ansel though? Nothing quiets him easily, he always has something to say. “Sorry, Hood, I just don’t think you can pull off the mohawk look.”

Ansel is your typical guy who lives in Linesworth. Broad shouldered, bearded, and hardened by the climate he grew up in. He’s got a bit of a nerdy side, I suppose. He’s a professional writer, but that didn’t stop him from getting a girl like Greta, who runs the Two Sisters bakery.

The mousey woman returns, opens a velvet box in front of me.

“That’s... that’s quite the diamond ring, Hood,” Rainier says in surprise. “Those things are usually for something else rather than Eighties celebrity cosplay, you know.”

“What do you think it’s for, Rainier?” I say with a smile, always happy to barb my brother.

“That’s something you give the woman you love when you want to make official.”

“Then maybe it’s for that, ya think?”

“Hood, I saw you this morning. You were looking miserable and lonely, and now you’re telling me all of a sudden you found a woman you want to marry?” He steps up and smells my breath. “Well you ain’t drunk off your ass, so I can rule that out at least.”

“Why are you so surprised if I say I met the love of my life, Rainier? You’re hardly one to talk.”

“I think it’s romantic,” Ansel chimes in. “He’s right too. We’re hardly ones to judge what love at first sight drives us to do, Rainier. I rushed to marry Greta, and you rushed to marry Sugar. Maybe Hood has gotten bit by the sudden love bug too?”