Page 10 of Cookies and Cream

“So you could work in a cozy cabin in the woods?”

I nod. “You mean like my grandma’s house? Yeah, I can do that.”

“Not that cabin. I mean this cabin. I want you to work here, Red.”

I sip coffee nervously as I stare at him. “We met like, an hour and a half ago, and you’re asking me to move in?”

He shrugs. “Crazier things have happened than love at first sight, babe.”

I almost spit my coffee out, and stare at him with wide, surprised eyes. Did he really say what I thought he just said? It couldn't have been anything else, I definitely didn’t mishear him talking about shovels or pretentious French art galleries.

He absolutely said what I thought he said.

I gather up the willpower to echo him, my shock overcame, if even temporarily.

“Love? You said Love?”



Maybe the storiesof love that Cookie and Rainier have been telling me have been influencing me. They both told stories of meeting Sugar and Baker all too suddenly, and in hours, not being able to imagine life without them.

It felt hyperbolic when they said it. Like I didn’t believe such a thing could ever happen to me.

Then I met Red.

And I completely believed them. She was gorgeous from when I first laid eyes on her, and her nature is making her more and more the woman for me. She cares, has a wonderful sense of humor,and seems to be infatuated with me as I am with her.

It seems absurd to be remotely thinking of her moving in with me, or even more ridiculous, marriage and kids.

But here I am. Imagining putting a ring on her finger and building this house to accommodate her and all of our kids.

“You really did say love, did you?” She repeats, looking at me as if I had just told her that the sounds a cow makes are ‘woof’.

I laugh, running my hands through my hair. “Too much too fast for you?”

“Perhaps a tad. We haven’t even been on a proper date yet. This isn’t too far off from you walking up to me on the street, dropping to a knee, and proposing to me.”

“I can totally do that too if that's what you want.”

More laughter. “How about a date first, Hood? Let’s slow it down, if only a little bit.”

“Then I can declare my intentions for you, huh?”

“That’d make me feel better. What if you’re like... I don’t know...” She rubs her temples in thought. “You’re some sort of scoundrel or something?”

“Scoundrel? You think I’m a scoundrel of all things?”

“It’s the first relevant term to pop up in my head, Hood.”

I smile. “Okay, sure, we’ll do it your way, Red. I’ll prove I’m not that nasty scoundrel out to get you. How about dinner tonight?”

She sighs. “I promised my grandma I’d made stew.”

“If I buy her a pizza will that make you and her feel better?”

“Hood, no pizza place delivers to where my grandma lives.”