Page 41 of The Wicked In Me

Delilah lifted her cup. “I’m not laughing, I’m chuckling.”

“It’s the same thing.” Anabel plopped herself on a chair and moodily dragged it along the floor as she scooted forward.

Delilah looked at Wynter. “Anabel and Diego had some fun in the mist last night, and it turns out he has abeastof a cock.”

“Oh, I see.” Wynter hadn’t spoken to either Anabel or Hattie last night, since both had left the arena before her. They’d been tucked up in bed when she’d returned.

“At first, when I saw her waddling like a goddamn penguin, I thought she’d taken him up the ass.”

“That thing in his pants willneverget near my ass,” declared Anabel.

Beside the blonde, Xavier patted her arm in comfort—a gesture that was totally spoiled by the way his shoulders shook in silent laughter.

Having grabbed a Danish pastry and poured herself a coffee, Wynter settled at the table. “Where’s Hattie?”

Xavier gestured at the backyard. “Enjoying her early morning joint.”

Eyeing Wynter, Anabel tilted her head and said, “You know, I kind of expected you to be walking bowlegged, since Cain had made it clear with his gaze alone that you were going to get royally fucked.”

Delilah smiled. “From the little she told me and Xavier last night, shewasroyally fucked. I had a feeling the dude would bring plenty of game to the table. I do love to be right.”

Anabel tore off a piece of her croissant, her gaze on Wynter. “Does sex ever really leave you feeling satisfied? I mean, food doesn’t. Sleep doesn’t. So it made me wonder.”

“Usually, no,” replied Wynter. “Even if I come, I don’t feel fully sated. But last night was different. He stroked my soul and,Jesus, it was more intense than anything I’ve ever felt in my life.” And she wasn’t as happy about that as she’d like to be because, seriously, what guy could live up to that? How could she not compare any future sexytimes with what happened last night?

Delilah’s eyes lit up. “Oh, now that sounds intriguing. The sidhe I fucked last night had some amazing tricks, but soul-touching wasn’t one of them.”

“Being bitten by a vampire was an interesting experience,” said Xavier, his mouth curving.

“One you’d repeat?” asked Anabel.

“Maybe,” he said. “I might have gotten more than simply bitten if Elias from next door hadn’t interfered to be a dick. He came over, acting all flirty with me—even suggested a threesome with him and his boyfriend. It was obvious he was only trying to put her off. I don’t get why he’d do that.”

“Lycans are more territorial than any other preternatural species,” said Wynter. “Our lycan neighbors will feel they have a minor claim to us five, what with us living so close to them. That in and of itself will make them act a little territorial at times, not to mention protective.”

“Wait,that’swhy Diego made a move on me?” asked Anabel.

“No, I’m sure he likes you,” said Wynter. “But I also think he acted fast because he felt a little proprietary and didn’t want others to beat him to it.” She looked at Xavier. “I think another reason Elias interfered is that lycans hate vamps. He wouldn’t want ‘the enemy’ touching any of us.”

“That’s his problem,” said Xavier. “He has no right to make it mine.”

“Agreed. I’ll have a chat with him if he doesn’t let up.”

“No need, I can deal with him just fine.”

Wynter narrowed her eyes. “You’renotkilling him.”

“We all have the right to cut toxic people from our lives.”

“That doesn’t mean ending their existence. Besides, he’s not a toxic influence; he just annoyed you.”

“Well, I don’t like him.”

“Stillnot a reason to end his existence. No, I’m done discussing it. Let’s move on and talk about something else.Anysubject will do.”

Delilah raised her hand. “I have a question. Do you think there’ll be a repeat of what happened with you and Cain?”

There was no denying that staying clear of the Ancient would be for the best, but Wynter knew herself well enough to know that … “If he made another move, I probably wouldn’t resist.”