Page 64 of The Wicked In Me

“Del!” Wynter called out. “We need you in here!”

Delilah cursed but hurried into the room. “What’s wrong? Make it quick.”

“Did you get on the wrong side of any demons lately?”

“Not that I’m aware of. Why?”

A fist once more pounded on the door.

Wynter sighed. “Hattie, keep an eye on the cauldron.”

But the woman who was curled up in the armchair didn’t even look up from her book.

“I’ll do it,” volunteered Anabel.

Wynter pointed at Delilah. “You come with me.” She led the other witch to the front door and opened it wide, revealing eight males who were also local demons. The furious-looking one holding a fire ball had a bandage on his cheek.

“Is there a problem?” Wynter asked.

“Yeah.” He jabbed a finger in Delilah’s direction. “Her.”

Delilah put a hand on her hip. “What about me?”

“All I asked for was a potion to make my girl’s tits bigger,” he said, his nostrils flaring. “You told me to pour it on her breasts and lick off any excess liquid. I did. Only it didn’t work, and shit gotfucked up.”

Delilah folded her arms. “I warned you there might be side effects.”

“Woman, I grew a third nipple.On my face.” He tore off the bandage and, yep, there it was.

“You can hardly notice it.”

Wynter glanced over her shoulder at a smirking Xavier. “Get me a reversal potion, please.”

“Sure thing,” he chuckled.

Wynter shot her an ‘IknowI told you not to sell any karma potions’ look, but Delilah was too busy arguing with the demon to notice. It was a wonder she hadn’t gotten herself killed long before now.

Xavier reappeared, his eyes still bright with laughter. “Here.”

“Thanks.” Wynter took the vial and offered it to the demon. “Drink that. The nipple will vanish.”

He jerked back, his hands raised. “You think I’m gonna drink anything elseshemade?”

“Actually, this is one of Anabel’s brews. It’s just a reversal potion. Look, take it or don’t. The nipple will probably go away by itself in a few days anyway. So if you’re happy to wait that long …”

His lips thinning, he snatched the vial and downed the contents; the effect was pretty much immediate. He looked at his lair members. “Has it gone?”

They all nodded or answered in the affirmative.

He rounded on Delilah. “That shit was—”

“Unfortunate,” Wynter cut in. “I’m guessing you didn’t tell your girl what the potion was meant to do.”

He averted his gaze briefly. “Well, no.”

“And that right there is the problem. Performing such magick on someone without their knowledge can backfire. Delilahdidwarn you there could be a price, correct?”

“Yes, but she didn’t mention anything about third nipples.”