Page 96 of Forbidden

Now we’re both at the hospital. Hana is in a room under observation. Scar is with her, and I’ve checked in a few times. She didn’t suffer smoke inhalation or any other potentially dangerous effects of being in a burning barn while nine months pregnant.

I’m just praying we didn’t use up all our miracles on that alone.

I’m pacing the small waiting room at Miranda General, hands clasped under my arms as I wait for another report from the nurse when Hana walks slowly to where I’m pacing.

“I hate to think of you out here all alone.” She puts her hand on my shoulder.

Scar has his hand on her arm, but she waves him away. “I’m fine. The doctor said the baby is fine, and I can’t just lie in that bed. It’s uncomfortable.”

“You’re lucky you didn’t go into labor.” Scar’s deep voice is slightly less stressed.

“How are you doing?” Hana rubs my shoulder, and I lower my arms to give her a hug.

“I’ve been better.”

“How’s Rainey?”

“Haven’t heard. She lost a lot of blood. The nurse said by the time they got her here, she was in danger of hypovolemic shock.”

“What does that mean?” Hana’s wide eyes go from me to Scar.

“It’s not good,” is all he says.

“They were able to give her a transfusion, but she’s still unconscious. She needs to wake up so they can check for more severe damage.”

“She was amazing, a real hero.”

Hana fills me in quickly on the scene that played out while we were racing across the country to help them. She told me how they were rescuing the horses when Natasha dragged her by the neck at gunpoint. Rick muscled Rainey into the hay storage shed off the inside arena, and there they planned to stage a murder-suicide.

Scar bends forward to wrap his petite wife in his large arms. His eyes close, and he smooths his hands over her belly.

“When Rick shot the gun in the air, I was freaking out.” Hana’s voice grows animated. “I didn’t know how we were going to escape them, when all of a sudden, Rainey swung that shovel like she was hitting a line drive in Yankee Stadium.”

My lips press together, and my eyes heat. “She’s a pistol.”

My voice is thick, and I do my best to clear it. I want to tell her I’m sorry for being so quick to judge her. I want her to know I’m proud of her. I want to tell her I’ll help her, and she’ll never fight alone again.

I just need her to wake up.

“The doctor said you took down Natasha.”

Hana's lips press together, and her chin drops. “I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t want to do it, but… I didn’t have a choice.”

She speaks the last part just above a whisper, and I step forward, completing the group hug around her.

“It was you or her, Hana.” I step back, meeting her sad eyes. “She drew the line and made the threats. You did what you had to do to protect your baby, Rainey, yourself…”

“I know.” Her voice is quiet. “I just wish it didn’t have to be this way.”

“I wish Rainey would wake up.” I turn, crossing my arms over my chest again in what I realize is a defensive move.

I’m holding onto my insides so they don’t spill out on the hospital floor. All the things I said to her. I said I wanted to hurt her. I made her sleep on the fucking floor.

A strong hand grips my shoulder, and I glance up at my partner. “She’s going to be okay. It takes a lot more than a bullet to stop my family.”

I put my hand on his wrist, on the place where his scarred flesh meets his hand. “A lot more than a fire?”

We’re in the group together when the nurse comes out to the waiting room. “Are you the family of Miss Sidorova?”