Page 7 of Forbidden

“Yes.” She takes a few steps nodding, her arms still crossed. “But you’ve never met Dirk, and he doesn’t know you.”

“I’ve been photographed with them, I have social media. I’m sure he knows what I look like.”

“Not necessarily. You always changed your hair color, your eyes, and a photograph is very different from meeting someone in person.”

I’m not convinced this will work. “But if Blake and Hana are there, they’ll know me.”

“ProfessorDirk Winston has taken a faculty position at Thornton College in Miranda Bay, about an hour west of Hamiltown. He’s teaching a course there this fall, and he’s living on campus.” She walks directly to where I’m sitting and stops. “You’ll enroll in that class as Reanna Lorak, get to know him, and get me that book.”

Rick blows air through his lips, laughing like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard. I’m still as a statue, considering what she’s saying.

It’s a risky plan that could blow up in my face, but I’m intrigued by the prospect of getting my hands on such an important item and being eight hundred miles away when I do.

I could finally learn what happened to my father’s estate after he died, and I could follow the money to his killer.

Natasha scans me briefly. “Rick, can you hack into the college enrollment system and create her student account?”

“Can do, boss.” He sits forward, ready to get started.

“Don’t make her stand out too much. We don’t want to raise questions. Classes start next week, so find her a room in one of the dorms. ”

“I’ll take care of it. No worries.” He heads up the stairs, and I’m on my feet now as well, sorting out my plan to bag this new professor.

“It’s his first semester, so he won’t know any of the students, new or old.”

I need to have regular, private access to him that won’t raise eyebrows or come across as stalkerish. “Would it be possible for me to be his teaching assistant?”

“That might raise questions about your identity. You’ll have to work it out while you’re there, have a problem in the class, meet with him after hours forspecial help.” Her eyebrow arches.

“I’m not sleeping with him just to get a book.”

“It’s a very important book.” Natasha returns the headphones to a hook on the wall. “I can tell you have ambitions. Get me that ledger, and I’ll make you my second in command.”

“I’ll get the ledger.” I scoop up my bag and head for the exit.

I don’t say she can shove the number two job, or Rick can keep it for all I care. When I do get that book, I’ll be calling the shots. What happens next will be up to me.



“Welcome, Professor Winston!”Dr. Bowerman greets me with a broad smile, gripping my elbow and passing me a crystal tumbler of brown liquor.

He’s a stocky man in his late sixties, head of the psychology department, and the guy who hired me. He looks exactly how you’d imagine a faculty head to look—corduroy slacks, wool sweater, tweed blazer. His gray hair is brushed back from his face, and a scant, salt-and-pepper beard covers his jaw. An unlit pipe is tucked in the breast pocket of his coat, and I admire his old-school, friendly nature.

“Thank you, sir.” I take the glass.

“We’re so glad you could make our little gathering.”

Classes begin tomorrow, and I’ve been invited to a meet-and-greet for new faculty, which, as far as I can tell, is only me.

“Dr. Chase wanted me to apologize on her behalf,” he continues. “She has a sick child at home and couldn’t stay.”

“I completely understand.” I sip the drink, a nice, smoky bourbon.

The faculty lounge is as elegant as the rest of campus, with dark mahogany wainscoting, highly polished oak tables and leather chairs. Brass floor and table lamps provide soft yellow lighting, and the built-in bookshelves are filled with hardcover editions of every psychology text you could possibly desire.

The scent of ancient pipe smoke and aging knowledge lingers in the fabric of this cozy space, which by day serves as a communal study and after hours as a place to have a drink and relax.