Page 28 of Forbidden

“Exposure has a significant impact on outcomes. Bandura found that children who witnessed violent or aggressive behavior tended to pursue these types of behaviors as adults compared to those who were not exposed to the aggressive model…”

Class continues, but I’m miles away.

Afterwards, Evan waits beside my desk as I slowly collect my belongings and put them in my bag. “We haven’t hung out since Welcome Back night.”

I wish he’d go away.

Pausing, I straighten in my chair. “Ali and I are going to the Den tonight. You could meet us there at five.”

“I definitely will.” He slides a hand into his pocket, his lips twitching with a smile. “You’re going to be late for your next class if you don’t hurry up.”

I swallow the growl rumbling in my throat and do not tell him it’s none of his business. None of my classes matter.

Standing, I slide the strap securely over my shoulder, and I do not miss his eyes checking out my breasts. It’s the effect I want, but not from him.

“Actually, I have to meet with Professor Winston before my next class.”

“Don’t tell me you’re in trouble.” We slowly walk down the risers.

“What makes you think I’d be in trouble?”

“Because you clearly don’t need help. You made anAon that assignment when everyone around us gotBs or worse.”

More pride surges in my chest. Maybe my good grade isn’t so bad after all. “I’m just touching base. It’s good to know your professors.”

He stops short. “Oh, no, don’t tell me you’re one of those.”

My brow lowers, and I turn to face him. “One of whats?”

“You’re a brown noser.”

“Asshole,” I laugh. “I am not.”

We’re outside the door, and he loops his arm around my waist. “You’re not going to visit the young, single-male professor to thank him for your grade, flirt a little, maybe shake that ass…”

“You’re gross.” I twist out of his embrace. “That is not what I’m doing.”

It’s exactly what I’m doing.

“Go out with me.” Evan catches my hand, pulling me to a stop.

Pausing a beat, I give him a tight smile before sliding my hand out of his. “I think we should just be friends.”

“Ugh…” He grasps his chest. “Stab me in the heart next time.”

I can’t help it. I exhale a laugh. “You and Ryan meet up with Ali and me tonight at the Den. It’ll be fun.”

“I’ll do my best, but you’re a hard one to get over, Reanna.”

He doesn’t even know me. Shaking my head, I do a little wave. “See you there.”

Hesitating outside Dirk’s office, I wait until the last of the students have disappeared into their classrooms before tapping lightly then opening the door. I’m happy to see Sharon is not here today, and I slip in quickly, closing the door behind me and quietly turning the lock.

“Hey, is someone there?” He steps to the door of his back office, and another almost-sigh catches in my throat.

His coat is gone, and the tee he’s wearing shows off muscled arms and rounded biceps. It hangs over his chest in a way that suggests a delicious six-pack and pecs under that thin cotton.

“Reanna? What’s going on? I thought you’d be satisfied with your performance.”