Page 105 of Forbidden

“We’ll keep it short.” I kiss the top of Rainey’s head, ready for my own things as well.

One thing in particular.

We enter the small kitchen last, and at Hana’s squeal, Rainey and I exchange a look before hustling up the steps to see what’s happening.

“When did you get in town?” Hana cries.

“Gia has a meeting with designers in New York all week, so I decided to take a little field trip down south to see my favorite neighbors.”

The casual male voice is familiar to me, something out of the not-so-distant past.

Rainey hesitates inside the door, her voice cautious. “Trip?”

“Well, I’ll be damned.” A slim man with longish hair and an expensive suit steps over to where we’re standing.

They both start and stop as if they’ll hug then change their minds.

Finally, Rainey laughs and steps forward, wrapping her arms around him briefly. “You look good.”

“You’ve changed.” He sizes her up in a way I don’t care for. “In a good way. And Dirk. It’s been a while.”

Trip Alexander turns to me, extending a hand. I carefully shake it. Hana slips her hand in the crook of his arm. “It’s okay, Trip’s a friend.”

I narrow my eyes. “Is he?”

“It’s been a long,longtime since I’ve seen you.” Rainey jumps in, and I guess they were on the same team for a while. “Where have you been?”


“He has a gorgeous Italian wife, and he’s turned over a whole new leaf.” Hana lifts her chin like she had something to do with it.

He pats her hand. “Who would’ve thought when all the dust settled, we’d be the ones left standing?”

“I knew.” Hana, the eternal believer, smiles at the group.

Blake enters the room holding Lourde on her hip, followed by Pepper holding his chubby fist. Hutch is behind them, speaking in low tones with Scar, who appears to be filling him in on all we’ve learned.

I think about this crew—brought together by a death now formed into a family, a team ready to fight for each other—and able to do what it takes to keep each other safe.

“I have an idea.” Hana puts her hand on Trip’s shoulder. “How would you feel about buying Gibson’s?”

His eyebrows rise, and he studies her expression. “I might be interested. Perhaps I could come home more often, if only to visit.”

“I knew it!” She claps. “And I’ll get to meet Gia!”

“Then you’ll see what I’ve been saying,” Trip winks. “She’s too good for me.”

“I have no problem believing that.” Blake quips, and he laughs.

“Always my biggest fan.”

Hana circles the small table, reaching for her husband. He immediately slides his arms around her waist. “Scar, we should sell Gibson’s to Trip. He’s probably the only person who would appreciate it.”

Scar lifts his chin, sizing up her friend. “Let’s talk.”

Hutch walks up to grip my shoulder and pull me in for a hug. “Glad you made it back.”

“It was an amazing trip.”