Page 50 of Forbidden

Voices are on the path ahead of us, and when we take the next corner, we encounter a group of four adults who seem to be arguing playfully.

“I’m telling you it’s right turns the whole way.” I recognize that annoying female voice, but it’s the male who answers that sets my heart racing.

“That doesn’t make sense.” Dirk is standing with his hands on his hips scanning the top of the walls.

In addition to Sharon, two women and a little girl are with him, and as we get closer, I recognize one as a psychology professor.

“Hi, Dr. Chase,” Ryan calls out, and the group turns to face us.

Dirk’s sexy hazel eyes land on mine, and all my twisted emotions melt into hunger. He’s gorgeous in a thin navy sweater stretching over his muscled chest. His dark hair curls are unruly, like he pulled the sweater over his head and walked out the door, and I want to drag him in for a kiss.

His lips part as if he’ll say something, but Evan walks up behind us. Dirk’s mouth closes as his dark brow lowers, and the anger simmering in his gaze has my stomach buzzy, my core slippery.

“Hello, Ryan,” Dr. Chase has a smooth, maternal voice. Her hand is entwined with the other woman’s, who is also holding a long strap attached to a wandering toddler with dark brown ringlets all over her little head. “Any luck navigating this maze?”

“We just started,” Ryan smiles, his hand in Ali’s.

“I knew we hadn’t made it far.” Dr. Chase turns to her group. “We convinced Professor Winston to join us since he has experience in tracking. You’ll all be sorry when Amelia is ready for her dinner.”

I assume Amelia is the little girl, who I further assume is her daughter.

“Blame your graduate student,” he argues. “She insists we keep going right.”

“I don’t think that’s the way.” Ali’s eyes are round, and she shakes her head.

Dirk gestures to her. “This is what I said.”

“Come on!” Sharon grabs his arm, pulling him in the direction of a path to the right, and the sweater she’s wearing dips dangerously low over her ample cleavage.

As they walk away, her tight jeans hug her ass, and jealousy burns in my blood. In addition to slutty, Sharon is pushy and very obvious.

“Have fun, guys.” Dirk glances back, his frustrated eyes meeting my furious ones.

“Hopefully we’ll see you soon.” Dr. Chase sets off after them.

“Good luck,” Ryan calls as Ali pulls him straight ahead on the path. “That’s not the right way…” She sing-songs as we part.

We’re halfway down the path when loud screams and zombie growls echo from the direction they went.

Ali’s eyes light, and she jerks Ryan’s hand, making a sudden right turn. “Run!”

We all take off after her, with me calling, “I thought you said right was wrong!”

Another actor leaps out from the shadows and Ali screams so loud my ears crackle. She scampers up Ryan’s back, and I burst into laughter.

“It’s a dead end,” Evan calls from ahead of them, and I turn.

Just then another growling zombie actor charges out of the shadows at me. Rather than drop-kicking him, I let out a scream and run the way we came. It’s dark, and I’m disoriented when I round the next corner.

I know it’s wrong because there’s no light. Only the main path is illuminated. Heavy breathing and the swish of feet on grass drives me on, and I take another left turn, trying to find my way out. I only end up at another dead end.

My heart beats too fast and adrenaline surges through my blood. I’m about to double back when strong arms surround my waist. A large hand covers my mouth, muffling my scream, and I’m ready to go full Krav Maga on this person when his low voice is at my ear.

“I’ve finally got you alone.”

Clean citrus mixes with the earthy scent of the hay, and I spin in his embrace. “Dirk…”

It’s a heated whisper, and I thread my fingers in his hair, rising on my toes and searching frantically for his mouth in the darkness.