Page 25 of Forbidden

“Just needed to hear a familiar voice.”

“Oh, no! Are you homesick? We’re only an hour away if you want to drive back for the weekend. We’d all be so glad to see you.”

“Now why didn’t I think of that before?” I sound like I’m joking, but I’m actually pretty serious.

I could drive back to Hamiltown, spend some time away, see if that helps me get my head straight.

“You just need to be reminded how much you’re loved around here.”

A half-smile curls my lips. Hana’s been through so much, and yet she’s so ready to give love. I guess that’s how it works. Those who suffer the most know how important reassurance is.

“Maybe I’ll drive home this weekend. I would like to see how much you’ve grown.”

“I’m getting bigger, but not so big I have to sleep sitting up. Yet.”

A low voice in the background draws my attention. “Is that Scar?”

“The man himself. Want to say hi?” A scuffing sound is in my ear, and I’m pretty sure she passed the phone.

The next sound is the low voice of my partner. “How’s it going, bro? Punched any kids yet?”

“Not even close,” I laugh, and he exhales a chuckle.

“Glad to see you’re controlling that temper. You know, self-control is a sign of maturity.”

“Then I’m the most mature person you know.” He has no idea. “Although there is this one professor who’s annoying as fuck.”

“Bro, you’re supposed to make friends with the professors. They’re your coworkers.”

“So far my only friends are the dean and my graduate assistant. Oh, and this one student who I’m pretty sure wants to get in my pants.”

That gets me a loud laugh. “Only one? Or is she the only one who interests you?”

Shaking my head, I can’t believe he called me on it. “Maybe I’m not cut out for this line of work.”

“Listen.” Scar’s voice turns serious. “You can’t help who you’re attracted to. What you can do is figure out if it’s simple lust or something more. I’m speaking from experience. Don’t shit where you eat… unless you’re sure it’s the real deal.”

My eyes squeeze, but I hear him. I know Scar wrestled with his feelings for Hana for six months before he ever even kissed her.

“Thanks, man. I knew you’d understand.”

“I’m here if you need me.”

Hana’s voice calls in the background. “We love you, Dirk!”

Warmth calms the storm brewing in my chest. “I love you guys.”



“You stole it!”Hot tears blind my vision, but I continue searching, ripping the cushions off the couch and throwing the pillows aside. “Give it back!”

“I don’t have it.” Her impudent nose is in the air like it always is.

“You always wanted it. You took it, now give it back.”

She stands with her arms crossed watching me like I’m an annoying pest. The more agitated I get, the happier she grows until a cruel smile curls her lips, and she cuts her eyes to the fire.