Page 7 of Shameless

Not so much.

When she laughs, I realize with a jolt that she’s not alone. There’s a guy at her side. One who’s smiling down at her, staring like she’s the only girl in the world.

My muscles tighten as my eyes narrow.

Wait a minute…I know him.


The first string QB.

Tension fills every muscle.

What the hell is she doing with a football player?

Are they going out?

I’ll tell you what…the way she’d stared up at me with those big blue eyes the other day had me thinking she was single. In fact, it had kind of felt like she might—

I shut down that line of thought before it can pick up traction inside my brain. It doesn’t matter how she’d looked at me. Or what she’d been thinking.

Not only is she too young—barely out of her teens—but she’s Derek’s daughter.

His daughter.

Let that hard truth sink in for a moment.

Just as she’s about to pass by my row, our gazes fasten and surprise flickers in hers. If I’d been trying to convince myself that they weren’t as mesmerizing as I’d led myself to believe, that thought is blown clear out of the water.

They’re even more stunning.

Electricity shoots straight to my dick. As much as I want to look away, I can’t bring myself to break eye contact. It’s only when she gives me a hesitant smile that I lift my chin in greeting before tearing my attention from her.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say that the way my heart stutters before jackhammering a painful tattoo against my chest is a sign 0f things to come.

And not a good one.


Professor Lindstrom flips the page of the syllabus, going over every bullet point in pain-staking detail. I wish I could say I’m paying attention, hanging on every word, but that would be a lie.

I’m much too distracted by Mason Price, who’s sprawled out a couple rows behind me. Every once in a while, I’ll pretend to grab something from my messenger bag that sits on the thinly carpeted floor next to my desk. The excuse allows me to swivel just enough to glance in his direction and stare at the dark-haired guy who has been a constant presence in my thoughts since we ran into each other the other day.

God, he’s good looking.

And I’m not the only one who thinks so. Most of the girls in his vicinity are turned in his direction, trying to catch his interest. It’s a relief when he continues to stare straight ahead as if absorbed in the material.

Levi nudges my shoulder. “This is so freaking boring.”

Knocked from my thoughts, I straighten on the seat and nod. “Yeah, it is.”

“Want to grab something to eat after this?”

From the corner of my mouth, I whisper, “Sorry, can’t. I have another class.”

“Bummer. Maybe another time.”

There’s a moment of silence as Professor Lindstrom glares at the guy sitting next me. “Do you have a question, young man?”