Page 9 of Shameless

His gaze jerks away as he stares straight ahead. “I remember.”

His voice is low and growly. It strums something deep inside me. It’s as if there’s an invisible thread tugging me in his direction. Pulling me closer. Reeling me in. The physical attraction coursing through me is almost too much for the confines of my own skin. Any moment, I’ll burst at the seams.

“Oh.” My mouth dries as I scramble for something to say. “I saw you in Psych class.”

I glance away when his attention flicks to me for a second time, piercing the very heart of me. I’ve never had a problem talking to anyone before. But Mason is a different kind of animal than I’m used to. His penetrating stare makes me feel uncomfortable. Unsure of myself. Strangely enough, I have no desire to shy away or avoid him. If anything, I want to get closer and explore my reaction in more depth.

When we ran into each other last week and he wrapped his large hands around me, it felt as if the world fell away. The only thing I’d been cognizant of was the deep espresso hue of his eyes. Attraction and desire roared through my veins, filling all the dark spaces within. Ones I never knew existed.

It doesn’t escape me that I’m like an idiotic schoolgirl with a crush. By the cool look in his eyes, my guess is that he agrees with the sentiment.


Heat slams into my cheeks. I was so intent on reaching him that it never occurred to me to come up with something to talk about. Maybe I should have, because the silence is brutal.

“I didn’t realize you were a student here,” I blurt.

“I’m part-time,” he admits with a grunt.

“If you need any help with Psychology, just let me know.” As soon as the comment shoots out of my mouth, I wish it were possible to shove it back inside. By the look on his face, the offer only seems to piss him off more.

This conversation is turning into a disaster.


Relief surges through me when my name is called over the din of students. We both turn to find Levi jogging toward us with a wide smile on his face. Just as he reaches my side, a thickly muscled arm is thrown around my shoulders. He hauls me close before glancing at Mason.

He blinks, his expression morphing into one of surprise. “Coach?”

A dull flush creeps into Mason’s cheeks and the muscle in his jaw tics a mad rhythm. “Hey, Levi.”

There’s a pause, and I can almost see the gears in Levi’s head turning, working in overtime. “Wait a minute…you’re a student here?”

The disbelief that rings in his voice makes me cringe.

“Yup,” the older guy bites out.

“Huh. That’s cool.” When he tugs me even closer, Mason’s dark eyes narrow. “We just got out of Psychology. The professor was boring as hell. I’m gonna have a tough time staying awake in that class. What about you?”


“No shit!” Silence follows that response before Levi clears his throat and drops his voice. “Sorry, Coach. I didn’t mean to cuss.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Mason shifts and glances away as if he’s counting down the seconds until he can escape from us.

“Maybe we can all get together some time and study. Right, Poppy?”

Mason’s gaze turns so frigid that a shiver of unease crawls down my spine and the muscles in my belly spasm painfully.


“I don’t think that’ll be necessary” he interrupts, “but thanks.”

“No problem, Coach,” Levi says as if oblivious to the suffocating tension that has fallen over the three of us.

“I’ll see you at practice.” His gaze touches mine briefly. “Bye.”

I lift my hand in a hesitant wave as he walks away, moving through the crowd with ease. People naturally make room, scampering out of his way.