As Damon sped up the highway, I couldn’t seem to stop myself from thinking the worst. This would be my luck. I’d have foolishly stayed away from Sawyer for all those years when I had all the resources at my disposal to find her easily, only to have this happen. Only to get a glimpse of what life with her would be like and have it ripped away.
“He’s getting over,” Avalon declared.
“And signaling to get off,” Liv added.
“Who would have thought a criminal would use their directional?” Avalon muttered.
Ignoring Avalon’s curiosity, Damon asked, “What exit?”
“Black Maple Forest,” Liv answered. “Shit!”
“What? What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Liv spat.
“Liv, focus. What’s wrong?”
Liv didn’t answer, but Avalon did. “Two cars cut in front of us getting off of the exit. There’s a light off the exit. He’s going to make it through, but we aren’t.”
Damn it.
“Damon, we’ve got to get there,” I said, my patience running thin.
I knew he was doing all he could do, already breaking the law by speeding as fast as he was.
“I’m going to cut around these people,” Liv declared. “I’m not risking letting that van out of my sight.”
“Liv, be careful,” I warned. “You don’t want to draw attention to yourself, either.”
“I’ve got it, Jesse. We’re not letting anything happen to Sawyer.”
There was a momentary pause before I heard Avalon speaking to Liv. “You’re good this way. Go!”
God, these women. They had grit that was tougher than some of the men I’d encountered over the years.
Coming to that revelation, I hoped the same would hold true for Sawyer. I just needed her to hold on until we got to her. Damon was doing everything he could to close that distance, and we were now just minutes behind them.
“We caught up to them. Make a left off the exit and follow that road out. This is really far off the beaten path,” Liv said.
“We’re about a mile away from the exit,” I told her. “We’re coming right behind you.”
The next thing I knew, we were exiting the highway. Fortunately, the light immediately off the exit was green, and Damon was able to make that left right through it.
“He’s pulling off,” Avalon said.
“Where’s he going?” I asked.
Silence came through the line, until Avalon eventually whispered, “Oh, shit.”
“What?! What is it?”
“Jesse, Damon, you need to hurry.”
I needed to know what we were heading into. I needed to know what Liv was facing. “What’s happening?”
“He pulled off onto a dirt trail that leads into the forest,” Liv answered. “Should we follow? I feel like it’s going to be obvious that something is up if we do.”
“Where exactly are you?” I asked.