Page 72 of Crushed

“She woke up one day and said she was done feeling miserable all the time,” Kurt started. “So, she started taking steps to get herself to a better place. She was exercising, eating healthy, and started looking for a job. She found a job and continued with her workouts. I saw her go from being depressed to being cheerful and confident with each day that passed. She’d been wanting to get into a gym and start working even harder, so for Christmas this past year, I got her sessions with a personal trainer. I wanted to do anything I could to support her and encourage that confidence I’d been seeing.”

This guy sounded like a dream come true. I couldn’t imagine what would bring a woman to do what he’d indicated she’d done to him. “How did you find out what was going on between them?”

He hesitated for a moment, narrowing his eyes, as a look washed over him that made it seem like he was trying to figure something out. Eventually, he brought his eyes to mine and shared, “She told me. She came right out and told me to my face that she was done with me. She wanted to end things with me because she had been hooking up with the trainer from about two weeks after she started working with him.”


That was awful.

Before I had the chance to respond to him, Kelly called out, “Sawyer, I need a water, two lagers, and a martini.”

“Got it.”

I offered Kurt a sympathetic look as he waved his hand in the air. “I’m good,” he assured me.

With that, I got back to work, but I didn’t do it without a sense of appreciation for what or, more importantly, who I had in my life. With all that I’d been hearing over the last few days, I was never more grateful for Jesse and the relationship we had with each other.

Things got a bit busier from that point forward. I continued to check in with Kurt, and fortunately, he cut himself off from the alcohol before he took things too far. He even grabbed himself a bite to eat.

Deanna and Gina came in for their shifts about an hour before I was set to leave. Ernie and Everett arrived roughly thirty minutes after the girls did. And it was at that point that it happened.

All of the confidence I’d been feeling about where things were for me vanished.

Because a group of three women had walked into the pub and right up to the bar. I didn’t think twice and said, “Hi. What can I get you?”

“Like we would ever trust you to make us a drink,” the first girl replied.

I stepped back at the harsh response and took a second to look at the women again. That’s when I realized that I knew them. I couldn’t remember two of their names, but the one who’d spoken was named Alyssa. We’d gone to high school together.

Figuring it was best to ignore them and give them what they wanted, I offered a slight nod and said, “I’ll get one of the other bartenders for you.”

“I’m right here,” Everett said, putting a hand to my shoulder. “What’s the problem, ladies?”

All three of them looked at him in disbelief. “Um, she’s the problem,” Alyssa declared. “Do you even know who you have working here?”

Oh, God.

They were going to tell everyone I worked with what happened.

Everett didn’t miss a beat. “Well, I’m not the owner, but I think we know all that we need to know about Sawyer. She’s an excellent bartender.”

That was really nice to hear, and if Everett’s compliment hadn’t been overshadowed by the impending doom I felt, I might have thanked him for it.

Gina walked up to the bar, oblivious to what was going on, and said, “I need a light beer and a margarita.”

“I’ve got it,” I said, wanting to remove myself from the situation that was going down in front of me.

“Who is the owner?” Alyssa asked, as I walked away.

I did my best to ignore what was going on and got Gina the drinks she needed. When she walked away, I noticed that Deanna had stumbled upon the situation and Cam was making his approach.

This was going to be it.

I could officially kiss this job goodbye.

“What’s going on?” Cam asked.

“Well, I was just wondering if you knew about your employee?” Alyssa asked him.