Page 77 of Crushed

“They know where she is,” I stated.

“They know,” he confirmed.

I closed my eyes and rolled my neck to one side in a vain attempt to find some relief from the stress that was quickly building. Sawyer’s life was still in jeopardy.

“Any idea who might be heading this way or how long they’ve known?” I asked him.

“Not a clue, but I’m working on it. If she hired someone, I’m hoping there’s a trail that’s going to lead us to finding that person,” he answered.

This was bullshit.

The people who wanted Sawyer dead were in custody, but the person who had been hired to kill Sawyer was still out there and knew she was in Pennsylvania. If they knew what state she was in, I had every confidence that they knew what town she was in.

“Anything else I need to know?” I asked.

“That’s all I’ve got for now,” Eric replied.

“You need to dig and find out who we should be expecting,” I ordered. “And if you and your guys can’t make that happen, you need to give us what you’ve got so we can.”

Eric hesitated before he urged, “Keep Sawyer safe. I’ll be touch.”

With that, he disconnected the call. I stood there, hoping like hell we were going to catch this guy before he had the chance to get to my girl.

She was at work right now, but I was going to have to figure out how to break this news to her when I picked her up tonight.


I never thought my life would ever be this good again.


But here I was, and it was better than I could have imagined.

I had a job I loved with coworkers I adored. I was back in my hometown and could see my mom whenever I wanted. I had made new friends, not only with the people I worked with, but also with the women connected to Harper Security Ops. And I was madly in love with the man who’d made all of it possible for me. That was only, of course, because he loved me at least as much as I loved him.

It was a bit crazy to think about how it had all gone down from the start. I’d come back to Steel Ridge out of pure necessity. Within an hour of being here, I realized that the price of survival was just too high. Jesse had crushed my heart once, and I couldn’t risk having that happen again.

Death was the better option. Maybe that was because I knew that facing that kind of rejection again, especially when I desperately needed his help, was a worse punishment.

Then it all changed.

He found me on my way back out of town. And while that encounter wasn’t exactly all rainbows and sunshine, it was arguably the most critical one. Because I hadn’t gone a day since then without seeing him, each one better than the one before.

Now I knew one thing was true. There was no price I wouldn’t have paid for this. Not just for survival, but to have it all. Because I did.

I had it all now.

And though it hadn’t come without some major heartbreak along the way, it was a beautiful place to be.

Today was just another day of good vibes all the way around.

I was at work—thankfully without any high school drama—and I was excited about the evening ahead.

A few days ago, I’d gotten a call from Avalon. She told me that she and the girls were planning to come in for a visit. Apparently, some wedding planning was in store for Liv and Brixton’s upcoming nuptials, and they wanted to bring me into the fold.

I was eager to see them all again. Even better, my shift would be ending about forty-five minutes after they were scheduled to arrive. I’d be able to spend some quality time with them and forge deeper friendships.

I couldn’t wait.