Page 18 of Lust

“You sound like Gilligan.”

He scoffs. “You chopped off his son’s thumbs!”

“He tried ripping us off,” I reply with a shrug. “So, I’ll tell you the same thing I told Gilligan. I am a man of my word.”

“Prove it.”

The fucking nerve. I’ve proven myself to the families over and over. My father may run things, but I’m the man in the background forming alliances and gaining loyalty. I’m the man they trust.

“This can’t be rushed. Surely you know that.”

“What I know is your father has issued an increase in his take, yet again. He wants twenty fucking percent of our profit. We all know what he’s doing! Ensuring the Moretti’s have enough money and power that you can wipe every damn body else out! Who needs the Arnolds and the Genoveses and the Russos? The fucking Morettis will own everything!”

Colvin Donovan is outraged. And with good reason. He’s been playing the game for years, giving my father whatever he demands. My father trusts him as an ally, and now, he’s trying to take everything from him. Stefano Moretti does want it all. And if my allies aren’t patient and don’t trust me, he’ll fucking have it.

“What I know is, I’ve spent years biding my time. Years in my father’s shadow, learning the business, making plans. I will not allow you or anyone else to fuck that up. Do not get in my way.”

My warning is clear. Fuck up, and I’ll kill you.

“It’s time we do this, Salvatore. The families need it.”

After my mother died, I was angry at the world. My entire life, everything I knew had been based on a lie. The man I’d looked up to, though I’m loath to admit it, wasn’t my father. Some stranger was, and I wouldn’t be granted the opportunity to meet him. Then her words sunk in.

And when the time is right, dethrone him.

I can’t be angry at my mother for straying. My father had done so right in front of her face for years. He hadn’t even attempted to hide his infidelity. My mother stayed because of me. Well, and because no one crosses Stefano Moretti.

Until me.

I’ve questioned it, postponed it, but the time is finally right. I’m ready. I’ve waited long enough to dethrone my father. To take his money. His power.

I will have it all.

No matter the destruction it causes.



Iuse my toe to turn the faucet off and relax into the steamy water, letting the bubbles coat my chin. My body is exhausted. Okay, my mind is exhausted as well. I need to unwind.

I’ve been busting my ass at the casino the past two weeks. Stefano put me on a deadline. Be ready in two weeks, or the deal is off. My one-month deadline is already bullshit, but two weeks? It takes that long to train staff!

But tomorrow is the night, whether I’m ready or not. The casino is celebrating with a huge high-stakes poker game. All the families have been invited to play. Winner takes all.

And if I’m a total failure, everyone will know. Whether they’ll care, I’m not sure. Thing is, I care. I’m not setting out to fail. I want this to work. For whatever reason, I need to prove to Stefano I can do this.

Frustrated, I mumble a curse to myself and close my eyes. I do have an ally in all this. Salvatore has been with me every step of the way. He offered advice when I asked for it and let me vent when I needed to. In between talking about business, we watched old nineties movies and vegged out on Chinese takeout and junk food. That same old friendship has resurfaced, only now, there are benefits. Twelve-inch benefits that make my pussy ache.

I slip my fingers between my folds, anxious for some relief when my phone rings. Reluctantly, I dry my hands off and grab it from the stand. Salvatore.

“Please tell me you’re calling to let me know your father changed his mind. He’s going to be a reasonable businessman and give me more time.”

He laughs. “My father is never reasonable, Milana. Always remember that.”

“He’s proven that already.”

“You know, it doesn’t matter if you succeed or fail. He’s going to use your business ideas and take the credit. Cut you out completely. That’s the way he is.”