Page 14 of Lust

“I won’t fail.”



Ireview the bets placed this week, noting the high rollers who have a debt from previous losses. Gambling is addictive. Win once, you try to match that high. Not wanting to credit pure luck, you bet again. And again. Each time hoping for that big win. I’m not much of a gambler. Don’t believe in luck. Sure as shit don’t play games with my money.

Laughter interrupts my work. I recognize the sound and fight back the jealousy rising inside me. She’s been with him all day. He blew off every damn meeting he scheduled, leaving me to handle business. It isn’t that I’m not capable. It’s the fact he didn’t respect me enough to inform me he’d be gone.

“That sounds great to me,” Milana says as they enter the office together.

My father takes her hand and brings it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her skin. She doesn’t flinch the way she did before.

“Until next time,” he says, then turns to me. “I’ll be meeting with Ms. Genovese at the casino tomorrow afternoon.”

I’m proud of her for winning him over when I couldn’t. My father has always had a weakness for the opposite sex. She’s intelligent and determined. I hope he doesn’t fuck that up.

“You have a meeting scheduled with our suppliers tomorrow.”

He gives me a tight grin. “Handle it.”

“I can come another day,” she offers, clearly unwilling to be an inconvenience.

“No. My son will take care of it, especially if he plans to run things one day.”

With that, he walks out, leaving me to take care of business. “Enjoy yourself?”

I’m unable to hide my annoyance.

“As a matter of fact, I did, but not as much as I enjoyedourdate.”

“You’re calling them both dates?”

“Does it matter?” she asks, approaching me. She slides back onto the desk, placing one foot on each chair arm.

“You’re right. It doesn’t.”

I stand up, stepping between her legs. I wanted her bent over this desk, but seeing her leaning back, being able to watch her, is better. Gliding my hands up her thighs, I find her pussy bare.

“Is this for me or for him?” I ask, slipping two fingers inside her hot cunt.

I don’t want her to answer. I’d rather convince myself it’s for me. And if he is listening somehow, I’d rather him wonder.


She shudders as I press my thumb to her clit, massaging the sensitive bud. This is for me. Not my fucking father.

Milana sits up, unbuckling my pants and freeing my cock. She strokes the velvety head, smearing my pre-cum over the tip. I ease her back, pushing her legs open before thrusting inside her. She doesn’t muffle her moans. Doesn’t hide her cries of ecstasy. And when I come, I realize I was wrong about her.

She’s not an innocent lamb. She’s the fucking lion.



Iglance out the window, noticing Salvatore’s car pulling into the lot. He steps out, rising to his six-foot-two height. As he walks, he adjusts his coat. I swear, no other man looks this damn good in a three-piece suit. The kid I grew up with preferred jeans.

“My apologies. My father couldn’t make it as planned.”