Page 7 of Getting Friendly

Trying to beat out all of Lindy’s buts and what-ifs, she raced on, defending her plan, “If we do it—quickly, and it’s over and done with—it’ll finally be out of my system, and we can go on as friends. Yes, I harbor strong feelings for him. But I’ve come to terms with them. I just want us to be like we were. Easy and comfortable, with nothing coming between us.”

“Nichole,” Lindy took her hand and squeezed it gently. “If you do this, what you had before won’t be enough for you.”

“Yes, it will.” Her chest tightened painfully. She wouldn’t accept that possibility. “He gives me everything I need.”

“Except a stiff cock between your legs on a regular basis, the need for which is why you begged me to bring you a new vibrator tonight. I can’t believe you killed the last one already. With an appetite like that, you actually think sex with Matt one time is gonna do it? Two motors dead in two months? They should last for…well, a hell of a lot longer than they do in your clutches.”

“Why did I ever confide in you?” Nichole’s face flushed hot, and she scrunched her eyes closed. “What was I thinking?”

“That I could get you a wholesale price on a replacement—and you were right. I’ve got your new little buddy packed in a red bag next to the back door. Seeing as how you came through for me on these goodie bags, though, this one’s on the house. Now, let’s hit the bar. I’m parched.”

“Any chance you’ll settle for the VIP room upstairs?” Nichole cast a glance to the stage, where Matt planted one foot on the front of the chariot and shot multi-colored condoms out into the crowd. “I need to make sure everything’s running smoothly up there.”

“Wait a minute.” Lindy flared her nostrils on a long draw of breath and shook her head. “After that kiss in front of the entire club, you’re too chicken shit to go out where he’ll see you?”

“Yes.” Nichole answered, nodding her head emphatically. “Absolutely.”

The party still raged on at midnight, but the PR portion of the night was over. The chariot had been parked, the curtain drawn, and Eros and his cohorts were free to go. Several of the dancers opted to stay and mingle with the crowd, but Matt, who was now dressed in jeans and sneakers, had had enough of the techno beat and the increasingly erotic antics of the club goers. Plus, he needed resolution to what had happened with Nichole.

She’d blindsided him. How in hell was he supposed to defend himself against a kiss he didn’t see coming? She’d said it was part of the act. Sure, Nichole. It was part of the show. Bullshit. Just like the outfit she’d made him wear and the innuendo that had been coming out of her mouth in spades. He couldn’t deny what was happening any longer. Not after her breathy plea against his lips. Not after that kiss.

He glanced over to the table across the room where she stood with her back to him, stacking a few bags next to her binder. As if sensing his eyes on her, she turned. Something tentative lurked in her gaze, but as he watched, her uncertainty evaporated and determination glowed in its stead.

Not on his watch. No way.

She cocked a hand on her hip and let her head drift to one side. “So…I’m ready. You want to come?”

Nice try Nichole. I’m on to you now. “Definitely,” he answered, without missing a beat. He was unfazed. Immune. “Let’s get out of here. I’ve fulfilled my obligation to spread flavored condoms far and wide across Club Kink. I’m spent. Let’s hit it.”

“Okay.” Nichole grabbed her belongings and, once her arms were full, jutted her chin toward the exit. “The limo’s out back. Will you get the door?”

“Let me help you. You’re about to drop that red one.” He reached out to take the bag off her hands, but she clutched it in her fist and awkwardly fumbled the binder.

Catching it out of the air, he reached for the door. “I’ll just take this.”


“Sure.” At the exit, a blast of cold air rushed around them, reminding him what a jackass he was for agreeing to leave his shirt and jacket behind. The limo sat parked only a few feet away, but the temperatures had dropped and the wind had picked up. Matt stuck his head outside and looked at the ground. “It’s frozen over slush, Nickie.”

She peeked out, took one faltering step, and shifted her weight. Her heel skidded forward.

Matt frowned. There was no way she’d make it to the car in those heels without landing flat on her ass. So much for keeping his distance.

He shoved the binder back into her arms, cursed as he levered down, and with one arm under her knees and the other behind her back, swept Nichole into his arms and carried her to the limo door where the driver waited. He dropped her, giggling, onto the seat and then climbed in next to her.

“My hero,” she cooed, snuggling close to him. “God, I’m cold. Wrap your arm around me, will you?”

Blowing the breath out of his nose, he reluctantly stretched his arm across her back, resting his hand at the top of the seat rather than on her bare shoulder.

She wouldn’t have it. Instead, she grabbed his arm and tugged it around her, so that his hand hovered over her breast. “Come on, aren’t you freezing?”

God, she wasn’t playing fair. He tried to hold his hand away from her, but gravity and temptation worked against him. She looked so soft, so full, he wanted to touch her and find out if she really felt that way.

No! Get a grip.

Matt closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the seat. “Nichole, about what happened earlier. That kiss—”