Page 17 of Frostbite

She nodded, rubbing a finger on either side of her clit.

“Like this?” He pressed his lips against her open thigh, pulled at the skin with a gentle suction that slowly built until it almost hurt. She gasped as a spasm ripped through her core.

Nothing like that. She shook her head, unable to speak.

Moving to the juncture where her inner thigh met her torso, he dragged his teeth along the tendon pulled taut beneath her skin. He angled his head and licked a long, slow line up one plump pussy lip and drew it softly into his mouth. Sucking gently, he ran his oil-slicked fingers down to the curve of her ass, drifting across the tight knot of her anus, and then brushing slowly around it.

Her eyes went wide, her hand stilled at her clit, and her breath caught in a gasp as her pussy clenched hard. No one had ever touched her there before. She’d never dreamed it would feel so, so arousing. Enthralled by the sensations ripping through her, and near insane with her need for release, she resumed play at her clit, thrilling in the rush of pleasure pounding through her and the newness of the experience.

Ryan continued to suckle the lip of her pussy, his nose rubbing against her hand, while his thumb slipped into the opening of her pussy.

She stroked her clit, faster now, as the spiraling need accumulated low in her belly. Her nipples were so tight they ached.

His finger traced lingering circles in ever decreasing orbits, ever increasing pressure around her anus, closer, closer…

Her hips rocked as the pleasure sliced through her. Her teeth set into the meat of her bottom lip…

Closer, until he centered over the puckered opening…

“Please!” The guttural cry ripped through her as he pushed past her tight threshold, shooting spasms straight through to her clit. Her muscled ring clenched around him, pulsing with the throbs tearing through her core.

She came hard. Her hips bucked off the mattress, and her head thrashed from side to side. Wordless cries of pleasure poured from her between her gasps for air.

Fisting the sheets in her hands, she bore down over his finger, taking him into her virgin sheath with a scream of release as the ecstasy slammed throughout her body.

She would never think of anyone but him again.

Ryan gently withdrew his finger and crawled up her body to lean into a kiss. She could taste her essence on his lips and, as thoroughly sated as she was, a new twinge of heat coursed through her.

She looked up at him and whispered, “I’ve never done anything like that before.”

Closing his eyes, he brushed his cheek against hers in a gentle caress. “You are going to have to tell me everything every other man you’ve ever been with has done to you.”

She blinked. There wasn’t much to tell. “Why?”

“Because, I’m going to do it better.” Shifting between her legs, his cock pressed into her channel. “That sexy body of yours might have distracted me once, but don’t think you’re off the hook.” He slid in and out of her with slow, steady strokes. “I want to know more about you.”

“What do you want to know?” she gasped.

He pulled out to the head and pushed back in, capturing her over-sensitized clit between them. “Everything.”

She ran her fingers over the line of his jaw, stroked the hair back from his face, skimmed her knee up his hip, taking him even deeper. “Everything might take a while.”

He cupped her ass in his palm and drew her up to meet his downward stroke. “I’ve got as long as it takes.”

“You’ve got until 7 a.m. tomorrow,” she whispered, her body quaking through his every thrust. “And then your rule over me expires.”

Ryan paused. “Ahh, I see. So you’ll only tell me because of the bet?”

“No.” She softened in his arms. “I’ll tell you because,

for the first time, I want someone to know.”

Chapter Seven

January 24

They’d talked late into the night, about her mother, about her friends. They’d talked about TV and played a variation on the game Trivial Pursuit, earning sexual favors in lieu of the tiny plastic pie pieces. She’d made him laugh, made him think, made him want. They’d barely scratched the surface of what made Bethany who she was, but Ryan felt like he knew her better than he’d ever known anyone. The details needed to be filled in, but the emotions, the feelings, where there.