Page 55 of Pleasure Control

Both grinning like the Cheshire cat, they stood. Laura grabbed her duffel bag and hurried to the door, where Jay waited for her.

“Oh, and Jay, one more thing,” Reginald said.

They stopped midstride and turned. “Yes?” Jay asked, still smiling.

“Stay the hell out of my bathroom. That’s not the kind of employee bonding I approve of.”

Laura’s smile crumbled. Ohmigod! Mortified, Laura opened her mouth to gasp, but no sound came. She felt heat and embarrassment color her skin and warm her body.

Jay cringed. “Shit,” he mumbled under his breath. “Sorry about that.”

Anxious to flee, Laura rotated on the ball of her foot, and gripped the doorknob like it was a lifeline.

Her escape was halted when the director said, “One more thing.”

She swallowed, dreading what was coming next. Her face tightened as she turned back around.

He arched a warning brow and pinned them with a glare. His voice had taken on a hard edge. “If you two ever decide to test the drug on yourselves again, without written consent or before positive preliminary results with the lab rats, I’ll kick your asses to the curb. I won’t have my two best employees risking their health. Understood?”

They both nodded.

It occurred to her that Reginald truly and genuinely cared about his employees. Maybe he was on to something with all those bonding sessions.

Jay furrowed his brow. “But how…?”

Reginald raised his palms in a halting motion. “It’s my job to know everything.” He waved a dismissive hand. “Now go, celebrate. Drink. Eat. Do what young people do. Just stay out of trouble.”

They turned to leave. “Oh, and Laura?”

Her pulse leapt in her throat. Damn, she’d almost made it to the hall. Gulping, she twisted back to face him and brushed her hair from her face. What now? Was he going to comment on her pasta-making skills? Her ripped panties? She worked to find her voice and school her expression.

Her stomach tightened. “Yes?” she asked, trying to keep her voice light.

He winked at her. His eyes were playful and full of warm sincerity. His voice softened. “Congratulations on the engagement.”

Laura grinned and shook her head in utter amazement. They never should have tried to get anything by Reginald Smith, a.k.a. Pit Bull.

“Thanks,” she said.

“Veronica and I look forward to an invitation.”

Jay reached out and caught her hand. She leaned into him and absorbed his warmth. “You can count on it,” she assured Reginald. Suddenly it dawned on her. This pit bull really was just a pussycat at heart.

Reginald turned his attention back to the files in front of him. “Now go. You two have a celebration to attend,” he repeated in a firm voice. “And a wedding to plan.”

Laura and Jay’s Christmas wedding reception had been in full swing for over an hour. Sitting next to Erin at the bar, sipping a strawberry daiquiri, her gaze skated over the guests. She took a moment’s pause to consider how wonderful things had been between her and Jay since they’d fallen in love six months ago.

She smiled at her mother and father, and her new family, Isabella, Tony, and Dino, as they all sat around an intimate white-linen-covered table and engaged one another in conversation. The love in their eyes when they glanced her way warmed her all over. She nodded to Reginald and Veronica as “Reggie” shook his groove thing to some sixties song that he’d requested.

Chuckling, Laura turned her attention to Jay. Love rushed to her heart as she admired her husband from afar as he mingled so easily with their guests.

Husband. That word made her smile.

As though sensing her eyes on him, he tilted his chin until their gazes locked. He looked good enough to eat in his dark tuxedo and thigh-hugging dress pants. Of course, she had every intention of doing just that. But it would have to wait until later when she had him alone, all to herself, she mused. Straightening on her stool, she worked to stomp down her arousal for the time being.

As though reading her naughty thoughts, he gave her a sexy, knowing wink from across the dance room floor. Her heart soared with joy. The love he felt for her was obvious in his expression.

Laura couldn’t have been happier. After she’d fallen into Jay’s arms that warm summer night, everything else in her life had fallen into place as well. They’d secured the grant needed for further testing of Pleasure Control and their proposal to produce a serum designed to give men prolonged erections and multiple orgasms had been approved. Jay was just dying to test that one out. Not that he needed it. He’d proven that fact to her numerous times.