Page 58 of Corrupted

I don’t want his money. I reached out to Peyton about it, and she’s going to talk to her brother. Sure, I could use it to set up my own business, but I’d rather do it all on my own. I can start small and build. Speaking of Peyton, she called earlier and wants to come over to talk to me. Perhaps she’s going to arrange a transfer of the funds back to Cason. I’m looking forward to seeing her, although the sight is going to be painful, after the happy memories we created over the holidays.

I set my notepad on the sofa beside me, and walk around my condo. I pace restlessly as I’ve been doing since I returned to New York, and I peer out my window, waiting for her car to pull up in front of my building. I drop the curtain and glance at my yoga pants and T-shirt. Good Lord, I should change before she gets here. My clothes have ice cream stains on them.

A car door slams. Shoot, too late.

I run my hand over my mess of hair and walk to the door as she knocks. Her eyes open wide when she sees me.

“I don’t even have to ask,” she says and pulls me in for a hug. “But you have ten minutes to get changed and comb your hair. We’re going out.”

I back up, and shake my head. “What are you talking about?” That’s when I notice she’s wearing heels and a dress, covered by a wool coat. Her diamond earrings twinkle in the light, so does her necklace. “Do you have a date?”

“Yeah, with you. Now get ready.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Peyton. I have things to do.”

“Like what?” She reaches out and runs her fingers over the stains on my shirt. “Finish the tub of rocky road?”

“It’s not rocky road, it’s salted caramel.”

She laughs. “I don’t care what it is, you’re done moping. Yes, my brother was an idiot, and—” She blinks. “Wait, you do still love him, don’t you?”

My shoulders tense and I hug myself. “Of course I do, Peyton.”

“Even after all the stupid things he said to you?”

“I know where they were coming from.”

“Still doesn’t make it any better. But I guess what I’m asking is, if he wanted to try to work things out, you’d be open to that?”

I snort, unladylike I know, but I can’t help myself. “That’s not going to happen,” I say.

“Well, we’re still going out. You have nine minutes to get changed.”

“Peyton, I—” Before I can finish my protest, she’s turning me around and pushing me down the hall.

“I’ll drag you out in these clothes, but once you see where we’re going you’ll kill me for not making you change.”

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“I don’t like surprises,” I say. The last surprise I faced was at the auction. Look how that turned out.

“You’re going to have to trust me on this.” She taps her wrist. “Clock is ticking.”

“Wow, you’re as pushy as your brother.”

She grins at me. “Eight minutes.”

“Fine.” I rush around my room, and tug a cocktail dress from my closet. I slide into it and run a comb through my hair. Since it refuses to cooperate, I pin it up.

“I like it up,” Peyton says from the doorway and my heart skips a beat. Cason liked it up, too.

Ugh, stop thinking about him, Londyn.

I put on a pair of earrings, and leave my face makeup-free, except for a swipe of the red lipstick Jennie gave me that night at Movida’s. Great, now I’m thinking how much Cason liked it the night I put it on.

“How do I look?”