Page 52 of Under His Touch

“Trust fund?”

“He didn’t tell you.”


“He finances a dozen deserving medical school students each year. Pays the entire shot. He’s determined to find a cure. He’s quite the philanthropist, that one.”

If I wasn’t seated, my knees would have given out on me. “He does?” My mind races, back to when he told me he wasn’t a nice guy. Why would he do that? “Why wouldn’t he tell me about this?”

“He’s secretive. Very private. All my grandkids are. Not much wonder with the paparazzi in their faces all the time.” James laughs, but it holds no humor. “The loss of his grandmother hit him hard, though and if the media found out about the charities, they’d dig deeper. His grandmother guarded her private life, and Alec goes to great length to ensure it remains protected, even after all these years.”

“What do you mean?”

“Damn media will start asking questions on why he finances students, and he doesn’t want any of his grandmother’s business made public.” A warm smile touches his mouth. “Deep down that boy is soft.”

“He is?” I ask, even though I know it’s true.

“Every time Blackstone puts someone out of work, he secretly makes sure he finds a position for them.” He puts his finger to his lips. “That’s a secret, too, though.”

As my heart pounds behind my eyes, I try to make sense of this. Alec is a good guy, and his granddad knows it. Then why did Alec tell me otherwise, and why did James specifically ask me to find his grandson a wife and get him settled because his lifestyle looked bad on the family, dragged down the Carson name?


“Yes, child?”

“Why me? Why did it have to be me to find Alec a wife and then plan his wedding?”

“How else was I going to get you two lovebirds together?”



I’VE BEEN WALKING around in a daze for the last few days, pulling together the last-minute details for tomorrow’s wedding as I try to process what James told me. Lovebirds? Alec and me?

He can’t be right. If he is, then why is Alec marrying Sara?

Restless and on edge, I walk to my window, peer out at the street below, then go back to my sofa. Even though everything is set and I’m about to pull off a grand wedding that will make everyone stand up and take notice, I grab my journal and go through tomorrow’s arrangements one more time, until a knock sounds on my door. My heart jumps into my throat, desperately wanting it to be Alec. For the last week I’ve wanted to talk to him, tell him what James said to me, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. The man rejected me once, all those years ago, and I’m pretty sure I can’t go through that kind of humiliation again.

Stop being a chickenshit.

I shut down that inner voice, stand quickly and take a couple deep breaths. I don’t want to appear too anxious or needy.

I pad softly to my door, pull it open and frown when I find Amanda standing there. “Oh, hi.”

She huffs. “Nice to see you, too.”

“I’m sorry.” I widen the door to welcome her. “Come in. I am happy to see you.”

“Are you expecting someone else?”


She lifts a bottle of wine. “Then maybe you’ll want to drink this with me tonight.”

I grin, even though I don’t feel like smiling. “You know me too well.”

I shut the door, set the lock and follow my best friend into the kitchen. She roots through my drawers, pulls out a corkscrew and opens my favorite wine, but when she does, my thoughts go back to Alec, and when he had my favorite brand of vino in the limo. God, that limo drive. Not only was the sex amazing, but when he took me to the duck pond, it touched my heart on a whole new level. The man knows me well, that’s for sure.