Page 32 of Under His Touch

Megan: I’m going to swing by your place around 4. I have a client I need to meet near your place. I’ll lay out your clothes. Karla the librarian loves sushi, so pretty casual.

Alec: Give me the details on Skylark. I’ll make some calls, and don’t ever worry about asking me for a favor.

Megan: Thank you Alec.

I stare at my phone as she sends me the details, my heart pounding a little faster. When we finish texting, I pinch the bridge of my nose, and open my laptop. I have a ton of work to get through this afternoon, but now my thoughts are filled with Megan, and doing things for her, making her life a bit easier. I make a few calls, talk to the right people and in no time at all I secure her venue. I could call her and tell her, of course. But I’d rather do it in person so I can see her smile, her reaction.

Head down, I bury myself in my work, ordering in a sandwich for lunch, and eating at my desk. When late afternoon rolls around, I power down my computer, shove it into my bag and head outside. I find my Tesla in my designated spot and jump in. Maneuvering through the busy afternoon traffic, I make my way home, my pulse jumping in anticipation as I get closer.

I hit the button to open the garage door and drive into the well-lit underground parking area. The smell of gas and fumes lingers in the air as I wait for the elevator to arrive. When it does Derek greets me and waves his hand for me to enter.

“You’re home a bit early today, Alec,” he says, making small talk like we always do.

“I have some things to take care of at home,” I tell him, and he grins at me like he knows exactly what I’m up to.

“Miss Williams has already arrived,” he informs me.

I scrub my face to hide my smile. “Yes, we have some business to take care of.” Derek puts his hands behind his back and whistles softly as we make our way to the penthouse. “How’s Peggy?” I ask. Last time we talked about his wife, she was in the hospital with complications from pneumonia. At the time, it was easy to tell Derek was distressed, and worried about the hospital bills.

He gives me a toothy smile. “She’s doing well. She’s back to work, and feeling herself again.”

“Glad to hear that.”

“We sure would like to thank whoever took care of our medical expenses.”

I nod. “I’m sure if they wanted a thank-you, they would have given you their name.”

“You’re probably right about that. Best I let it go.”

“For the best, I think.”

When the elevator stops at my penthouse, I practically leap off.

Derek chuckles slightly. “I don’t remember ever seeing you this happy,” he says, and that’s when it occurs to me that I am happy, and haven’t been this happy since...high school. “You have a wonderful day,” he adds before the doors ping shut.

“You, too,” I say, and pull my key from my pocket. I open the door quietly, not wanting to startle Megan but wanting to surprise her just the same.

I drop my laptop bag and kick off my shoes. From my bedroom, she’s humming something and I pad quietly down the hall, following the sound as it wraps around my dick and strokes hard. I stop at the doorway and damn near swallow my tongue when I find Megan bent over my bed, arranging clothes for me to wear. From my viewpoint, I take in the soft swell of her ass in her sexy black-and-white-striped dress, which rides up her creamy thighs as she moves my clothes around.

I clear my throat and she spins around, her hand going to her chest. Eyes wide, she stares at me. “Alec, you scared me half to death.”

“Sorry,” I say, as my gaze races over her, my dick thickening even more.

“What...what are you doing here?”

“I live here, remember.”

She plants a hand on her hip, and glares at me. Damned if that doesn’t turn me on even more. “I told you I was going to take care of your clothes.”

“There’s something else that needs taking care of,” I say, and she gives me a quizzical look.

“Oh, what might that be?” she asks, but the blush crawling up her neck lets me know she gets it.

“You, Megs. You need to be taken care of.” Christ, all I can think about is laying her on that bed and giving her a dozen orgasms.

“Me? What do I need taken care of?” she asks, her chest rising and falling a bit faster.

“I secured your venue. Skylark is booked for the party,” I say, and my heart crashes against my chest when her eyes go wide and a huge smile splits her lips. Catching me by surprise, she rushes across the room and throws her arms around me. I pick her up and her legs go around my back. Fuck, yeah.