Page 21 of Under His Touch

“I kept you from your yoga this morning. Now you can swim instead.” He settles himself on the sofa, and gestures for me to sit in the cushiony chair across from him. “You don’t like Bianca’s?”

I step around the coffee table. “I... I’ve never shopped there?”

“I know Bianca quite well. She’s very particular, and her swimsuits are high quality. She personally put this order together for me this morning.”

I throw my hands up. “You just called her up and put an order in? This morning? That’s what you were doing on your tablet?”

He taps a finger to his lip, like he’s amused with all my questions. “Yes.”

“I can’t believe you did this.”

“What’s the big deal?”

Okay, this man obviously operates in a different world than I do. “How many did you order?”

He shrugs. “A few. I wasn’t sure what fit or style you liked.”

“You know you’re insane, right?”

He scrubs his chin, and nods. “One of the nicer things I’ve been called.”

“I bet,” I say, and he just smirks at me. I lift the lid off one box and pull out a gorgeous designer bikini with a floral print top that ties in the front, and high-waisted bottoms. I’ve been lusting after a suit like this for a while now, but it wasn’t in my budget. “I can’t keep all these.”

“There’s no return on swimwear. They’re yours. You’re welcome to use my pool anytime. Perhaps your friend Amanda would like to join you sometime.”

Flabbergasted I drop the bikini into the box. “That’s a nice offer, but this is too much.”

“You don’t like that one. Try this,” he says, and hands me another box. The man is generous, and I have no doubt he’ll give his wife all the material things she wants, but is that really enough to keep the marriage alive? Won’t she eventually want his heart, too?

I open it, but this time I find a lacey white thong. I pull it from the box, run the expensive material through my fingers.

His grin is sheepish when I glance at him. “Replacement. For the pair I ripped,” he explains.

“This is way nicer than what I was wearing.”

“I liked what you were wearing,” he says almost under his breath, and my gaze shoots to his. He jumps from the sofa. “Did you want to shower before you swim?”

I nod. “Yes,” I say. The sooner I get the scent of his skin off mine the better.

He nods. “I’ll head up and get some laps in. There’s a private elevator in the hall. It takes you up to the roof. No one has access but me.”

“The rooftop is just for your use?”

“Yes.” He disappears for a second and comes back with a key. He presses it into my palm and closes my fingers around it. “This will get you into my apartment, and to the roof. I’ll meet you there.”

He heads to his room to get changed, and I open a few more boxes, until I find a pretty black-and-white suit that covers a bit more than the others. Not that it matters. We’ve seen each other naked. I hurry to the spare bedroom, shower and tug on the suit. Key in hand, laptop bag over my shoulder I make my way to the rooftop, and hurry to the glassed-in pool. Dressed in tight swim trunks, Alec’s long, lean body glides through the crystal clear water and he surfaces right in front of me.

“You made...” he begins but his voice falls off as his gaze moves over me, a long leisurely inspection from my dry mouth to the tips of my toes, and all the way back up again, stopping to linger on my breasts—and nipples that are no doubt poking hard against the thin fabric. A moan catches in his throat and my entire body lights, like a match to dry tinder.

Honestly, if he’s about to marry someone else, why the hell is he looking at me like he wants to eat me alive?



I PICK MY cell phone up from my desk, glance at it and set it down with a little more force than necessary. Fuck. Here it is late Friday morning and I haven’t heard from Megan since last Saturday—when she joined me at the pool and I damn near devoured her with my gaze.

Well done, Alec, well done.