Page 58 of Under His Touch

“I thought you might say that.”



“I CAN’T BELIEVE I let you talk me into this,” I say to Amanda and give a slow shake of my head.

“When someone offers you a free vacation, you don’t turn it down,” she counters.

I glance out the window, take in the beautiful mountains, with their snow-peaked caps. The last time I was here, in St. Moritz, it was after prom, when I seduced Alec. I never, ever thought I’d find myself back in the place that holds so many glorious, yet painful memories. But James called me a few days after I ruined Alec and Sara’s farce wedding, offering me use of his private jet and his villa here in the Alps. I flat out refused. But Amanda begged and pleaded with me, which is a little uncharacteristic of her. In the end I caved. Her business went down with mine last week. This is the least I could do to make it up to her.

The cab driver whistles from the front seat, and I fold my hands on my lap, my heart still raked raw from Alec’s rejection. But I don’t want to think about him. This vacation is about getting him out of my mind and heart once and for all.

“I did a bit of research on this place,” Amanda says. “Before we go to the villa can we go to Lej da Staz?” She blinks hopeful eyes at me.

I shrug. “Fine by me.” I remember that lake. It has a long boardwalk out over the water, with the mountains as the backdrop. It’s a beautiful spot. A perfect wedding venue, one I would have picked over a country club. But now, well, now I no longer believe in true love and happily-ever-after. I might as well start collecting cats.

Amanda leans forward and talks to the driver as I check my phone. No messages, no brides calling to book their future weddings. And why would they? They probably think I’m going to try to steal their grooms. I groan low in my throat and rest my head against the back of the seat.

A short while later the cab stops, and I’m grateful. After the long flight, I need to stretch my legs. I’m about to get out of the backseat, but out on the boardwalk there appears to be a wedding. My heart climbs into my throat and tears threaten as painful memories from last week bombard me.

“We should go,” I say to Amanda. “Looks like a wedding and I don’t want to disturb them.”

“Let’s just stretch our legs. We’ll be quiet.” She opens her door and jumps from the cab. Unsure about this, I quietly open mine and slide out.

I shade the sun from my eyes and kick out my cramped legs. I glance around and see numerous tents set up. Under one, food is being laid out for the reception and it smells divine. In the distance I glance at the guests milling about, and note the soft blue colors and decorations.

“Come on, let’s get a closer look.”

“I think I’ve crashed enough weddings this week,” I say, but Amanda, being a little pushy and persistent, grabs my arm and practically drags me along. As I get close, I slow my steps.

“Is that Uncle Dave?” I ask, my head rearing back in surprise. The sun is in my eyes, and I haven’t slept for a week, so there is a good chance I’m hallucinating.

“You tell me,” Amanda says, her voice a little amused.

I scan the crowd, and when I see my family and friends, my heart leaps. “What’s going on?” I ask, but when I turn to Amanda, she’s backing away. “What are you doing? Amanda, what the hell?”

“It’s the grand gesture,” she says. “The way it was meant to be.”

I turn back to the wharf and when I see Alec coming toward me, dressed casually in a white shirt, beige pants and barefoot, tears sting my eyes. “Alec...” I choke out. “What’s...going on?”

He steps up to me, takes my shaky hands into his. “What’s going on is that I was a complete idiot. But I plan to fix that.”

“What...what are you doing?” I ask when he pulls a box from his pocket.

“Megan, I love you. I’ve always loved you.”

Tears fall down my face. “You said never me, Alec. You looked me in the eye and said never me.”

“Haven’t we already established that I’m an idiot,” he says. I nod, in agreement, and he laughs softly. “Megan, I’ve wanted you my whole life, but I never thought I could be loyal. The men in my family, well, you know all about them. I thought I was no different. Even my mother...” He swallows. “You’re the woman I want.”

“Alec,” I say again, my brain trying to process.

“You were right when you said I was like my grandfather. He was loyal to Grandmother, and I am loyal to you. I know that because Sara seduced me and I couldn’t touch her. Couldn’t be disloyal to my love for you.”

“ me?”

He laughs and goes down on his knees. “I love you, Megan. I want you to be my wife. Please say yes.”