Page 40 of On Her Terms

“What are you doing out? How did you get here?” I ask and look outside before Luca shuts the door.

Gnarled fingers close around his cane as he lifts it. “I walked.”

“You shouldn’t have.”

“How else am I going to see my granddaughter and her fiancé,” he says, the deep lines around his mouth curling upward as he smiles. “And hear all about their wedding plans.”

I cast a quick glance at Luca, a wave of guilt hitting hard. “Come on in. The pie won’t be ready for a bit. Have you eaten? Luca made carbonara and there’s some leftover.”

He gives Luca a wink, then coughs into his elbow. “Had dinner with Deloris.”

“Granddad, you need to be taking it easy.”

“Just needed to see if my granddaughter is okay. You’ve been scarce, girly.”

“I’m okay.”

“Good, then let’s sit and we can talk about this wedding of yours.”

“No,” I say firmly. “This week is about Tate and Summer.” Just then my phone rings. “Hang on.” I rush to my beach bag, pull my phone out and check the caller ID. “It’s Tate,” I say and slide my finger across the phone.

“Hey,” I say. “What’s up?”

“Hey, Bri. Have you seen Granddad? I went to his room, but there’s no answer.”

“He’s here,” I say and hear the relief when Tate exhales. “Apparently he smelled pie.”

“You’re making pie? Is the fire department on call?”

“Very funny. Why don’t you and Summer come over?” At least with the two of them here, it might take Granddad’s focus off us and our wedding plans. “We’ll play a game. Make a night out of it.” Tate calls to Summer, and for a second his voice is muffled.

When he comes back he says, “We’ll be right there.”

I end the call as Luca leads Granddad to the sofa. “Looks like we’re having company,” I inform them.

“Fine by me,” Luca says.

“As long as I get the biggest slice of pie,” Granddad says, and Luca and I just shake our heads. “Now, where’s the brandy?”

By the time Tate and Summer show up, I’m taking the pie from the oven. “Just in time,” I say as Luca greets them at the door. It’s odd how this all feels, really. Like Luca and I are a real couple and having family over. It’s not a bad feeling. In fact I kind of like it. Could very well get used to it.

“Smells amazing,” Summer says. She joins me in the kitchen, setting a bottle of wine on the counter, along with a couple of bags of potato chips. Is everyone trying to fatten me up? She pulls a deck of cards from her purse and a few board games from her shoulder bag. “I wasn’t sure what you guys might want to play.” I look them over as she takes in the dirty dishes on the stove. “Did you cook?” she asks.

“No, Luca made me his mother’s famous, authentic carbonara.”

She grins at me. “Oh really. How nice of him.”

“He’s a great cook, and a great kiteboarder,” I say without thinking, my mind going back to earlier today.

“Tate said you were going there today. That must have been fun. I’ve never tried it myself. I’m too afraid of heights.”

I laugh at that. “It was fun once I got the hang of it. Luca stayed by my side and helped me out.”

“Sounds like you guys are really hitting it off.”

I glance past her shoulder, in time to see Luca help Granddad to the kitchen table. He pours him a glass of brandy, and then comes my way to get a couple of beers for him and Tate.

He stands behind me, his breath hot on my neck as he leans into me. “Would you ladies like wine?”