“I know where it is,” I say as I saunter across the room.
“That’s right. Your granddad owns the resort, doesn’t he?” I nod as I step into the bathroom and leave the door slightly ajar as I change. “What’s with you and him, anyway?”
“What do you mean?”
“You seem tense around him.”
Luca always was a smart guy. Very astute. I’ll have to play it careful around him. “He won’t stop pushing me to get married,” I say truthfully. No need to fib about that.
“Ah,” he says.
I take off my wet clothes—bra and panties included—and shrug into his warm shirt. “Ah, what?”
“Nothing,” he says, but before I can press he continues with, “So, you’re not interested in marriage?”
“Hell no.”
I come out from the bathroom and walk to the closet housing the washer and dryer. I bend slightly and toss my clothes in. When I stand and turn around, Luca’s glance is slowly lifting from where my ass had just been.
Okay, girl, here goes nothing.
MY EYES LIFT from her ass, and when I catch a small smile on her lips—clearly I’m busted—I tear my gaze away. What is going on with her? One second she’s acting like she doesn’t know me, and the next she’s aiming her sexy ass my way. I’m pretty damn sure she’s aware of what she’s doing and is trying to get a rise out of me.
Well done, Brianna. It worked.
I turn from her and pretend to do something in the kitchen sink as I adjust my cock. Her bare feet graze the wooden floor as she walks around the chalet and it’s all I can do to keep my shit together. A whooshing sound reaches my ears and I turn to find her flicking on the propane fire.
“Still not warm?” I ask, even though the sun’s been beating in through the windows of the chalet all day and it’s a million degrees. She holds her hands out in front of the fire to absorb the heat.
“Not yet,” she says.
“Maybe you should jump in the shower,” I say as beads of perspiration dot my bare chest.
“You think a warm shower will help?”
“For you, yes. Personally I need a cold one,” I say, and when she wipes her tongue over her bottom lip, I groan. “It’s so hot in here,” I explain, not wanting her to think I need a cold shower to cool down my dick, which just happens to be the truth.
“Well, you weren’t swimming in an ice-cold lake,” she says and pokes the air with the tip of her finger.
I shrug. “You’re right, I wasn’t.”
“Go ahead and take a cold shower if you want.” She turns back to the fire. “My clothes will probably be ready by the time you get out.”
“No, I’m good, but I’m going to change into shorts.” I grab the pair I’d offered her and make my way to the bathroom. As I pass Brianna, she’s adjusting the thermostat, turning it up higher.
“Keep that up and I’m going to end up in my birthday suit.” I say without thinking and close the bathroom door. What the hell? Get your mind off nakedness. Her soft chuckle reaches my ears and I wonder if she’s really that cold, or if she’s just jacking up the heat to get me out of my clothes. Shit, all she has to do is ask.
Wait, no. I am not going to have sex with Brianna. No way. No how. Not even if she asks.
Okay, maybe if she asks.
I kick off my pants, and as I glance at my swollen dick, I take it into my hands and consider rubbing one out. In my current state it wouldn’t take long, and Brianna would be none the wiser. I pull from the base to the crown. Heck, I should probably ease the tension before something ruptures.