Page 7 of Under Pressure

So much for doing what’s good for me.

“Then I’m going to put my cock inside you.”

I quiver at his bluntness. I’ve never heard Cole talk like this before—playful and sexy—and I can’t deny that it’s damn exciting.

“How is that helping me out?” I ask.

Cole is going to put his cock in me, and I need to stop ask

ing questions already!

Another eerie noise jostles me back to the present, and I turn. “What was that?” I whisper. “Was it singing?” Could the cave be haunted?

He tears off his T-shirt, tosses it behind me, and bends forward until I’m flat out underneath him. He shifts his weight and slides his hand between my legs. “The only singing we’re going to hear is when I strum your body right here, and you’re calling out my name in orgasm.”

OMFG, if that’s isn’t music to my ears, I don’t know what is.

His lips close over mine again, taking full possession, and I writhe beneath his invading tongue, hungry for everything he’s going to do to me. I run my hands over his bare back, and when I palm his muscles, they bunch beneath my fingers. He is so hard and solid it’s insane. I take a breath and try to control myself, but I can’t, so instead I lightly drag my nails over his flesh as his mouth goes to the sensitive spot on my neck.

The air around us is heavy with sexual energy, and I’m pretty sure we’re giving off enough sparks to light up the damn cave. I hear another shuffling noise and crane my neck to see outside.

“Cole,” I whispered. “What if someone comes?”

His soft chuckle vibrates through me. “Oh, don’t worry, someone’s going to come.”

My body is quivering and I don’t want him to stop, but smack him anyway. “I’m serious.”

He moans against my neck. “I am, too.”

“I hate you,” I say.

“I hate you, too.” His wet tongue sweeps over my flesh then he puts a hand on either side of my head and pushes up. “But while we’re here on vacation, I’m still going to help you out.”

“With what?” I ask for the millionth time.

“You don’t want to be like Mrs. Jones, right?”

“No, you’re right. I don’t.”

“So, by having sex, I’m helping you from becoming a crazy cat lady.”

I do like his way of thinking. But what will this do to us? I don’t want to lose him because some sort of tropical lust bug has bitten us this weekend.

“And you know, since you’re here on this adventure for epic sex, and I don’t happen to have any plans, we’re killing all kinds of birds with one stone.”

One stone? Oh yes, one very big, very hard stone pressing against my leg.

“So, you’re keeping me from becoming a crazy cat lady and helping me fulfill my adventure.”

“Yeah, what a guy, huh?”

I laugh. “I’ll say.”

“The things I’d do for you, Reese.”

“You’re a very good friend, Cole.”

“The best,” he says, his eyes glinting playfully.