Page 26 of Under Pressure

My heart sinks when I see the text from my friend Kennedy.

Hey, what’s up?

My fingers fly over the screen.

Not much, you?

I’m in town to visit the family. Saw Cole at the airport.

Oh, God, he’s leaving. He’s really leaving. But why wouldn’t he? I told him to go away and that I didn’t want to discuss it anymore. Then again, why was he so damn happy on the plane? I thought it was because he was going to be heading back to Colorado soon. Now I just don’t get it.

I mentally curse myself for being cruel. What if there really is more going on between us? I should have opened up, told him the truth. I can’t let him go without doing that, without learning what he wants. I really should have told him how I felt, but I was too worried about our friendship, what was best for him. Maybe I had it all wrong.

I quickly text back.

Kennedy, I have to go.

Wait, you didn’t tell me about your trip.

With time of the utmost importance, I can’t give details, so I tell her, we’ll meet for coffee later.

One thing, did you and Cole finally do it? :)

Oh. My. God.

What? I text back.

Come on, Reese. This is me. I know you. Why do you think I sent him on the trip with you?

You set the trip up?

Yeah, I picked your name.

I shake my head, hardly able to believe this.

And you sent Cole because you thought I wanted to ‘do it’ with him?

Uh, yeah! And he wants to do it with you, too, so I knew it was time for you two to get together. You did get together, right?

Yes, I text back and grab my purse. I have no idea what time his fight leaves—I’ll check that in the cab—but right now I don’t have a minute to waste.

I run to the front door, quickly lock it behind me, and race down the stairs so fast I nearly trip and land on my face. As I wobble and grab the rail to balance myself, a strong arm goes around my waist. I’m about to say thanks when I realize who’s holding me.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?”

“I…” I look past his shoulder and see a cab with the door still open. “I thought…”

Stormy blue eyes lock on mine. “You thought what?”

I choke back a big fat tear and burst out with, “I thought you’d left. Kennedy said she saw you at the airport.”

He arches a brow, his grin playful. “And…you were coming after me?”

I point to my condo. “The video…I saw…Cole…” I put my arms around him and lay my cheek against this chest. I don’t finish what I want to say because there is still some small part of me that isn’t sure what he feels.

He holds me to him, and my heart fills with love as his powerful heart beats against my face. I take a moment to breathe in his scent and take comfort in his strength, in the way he’s always been there to catch me. “I don’t want to lose you,” I say. “I don’t want to wreck what we have between us. I couldn’t handle it if we weren’t friends anymore.”

Or more…so much more.