Page 33 of The Troublemaker

“We don’t need—” Kinsley begins, and her mother cuts her off.

“You ran off and got married, Kinsley. How do you think that looks to our family and friends?”

“When you’re in love, you’re in love,” I say. “I talked her into it.”

“Then talk her into a proper reception,” her father says. He looks at Kinsley over his glasses. “That’s hardly an act that proves you’re a grown up.”

“I am a grown up, Dad. I’m twenty-six years old.”

“Your actions speak louder than words, don’t you think?”

“I actually do think that’s true,” I say. “Our actions proved we love each other, and couldn’t wait to be married.”

Her father practically dismisses me when he says, “Yes, well. Let’s see how long that lasts.”

Just. Wow.

I’d take my parents and their lack of affection, and lack of interest in my life over these two any day. My heart goes out to Kinsley. No one should ever be treated the way they’re treating her.

“I think a reception is a great idea,” I say, and Kinsley’s eyes widen.

“You do?” she asks quietly.

“Of course.” I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss it.

“You don’t have—”

“I want to.”

Our drinks come and I’d like to down the scotch in one mouthful. Instead, I sip it, since I don’t want to be judged any more than I am. They can do and say what they want about me, but I’m going to defend Kinsley with everything in me.

Her father sits back in his seat, his gaze sliding back and forth between the two of us, a careful assessment. I meet his stare. I’m sure in the courthouse he’s an intimidating man, but he doesn’t scare me. I think he’s a big fucking bully and I don’t like bullies.

“You know,” he begins. “Evan made partner at the firm. He’s doing quite well for himself.”

“Yes, he’s doing great things,” her mother says.

“Good for him,” Kinsley says, her chin high.

“When was the last time you two talked?”

“We don’t talk. We’re over. He broke it off with me, remember?”

“Yes, well, you surprised us all, Kinsley. What was he supposed to do?”

“Support her,” I pipe in.

“I believe he was just trying to give you a wakeup call,” her father says.

“Do you think him telling me I wasn’t special was a wakeup call? He was only with me to climb the ladder, Dad,” She counters, her voice rising an octave, her frustration written all over her face.

“He just didn’t want you to get off course.” Her mother casts me a quick glance. “If you get back on it…”

No way. No fucking way. They’re really sitting here trying to get Kinsley back with her asshole ex while her husband is right here beside her—supporting her.

Fuck this shit.

“Lucky for me they never worked out. Now I get to call this beautiful woman my wife.”