We exchange vows, and when Jonah puts his grandmother’s ring on my finger, I’m still in awe that his mother insisted. Why would she want me to wear it? Shouldn’t it be saved for someone special, someone Jonah loves? Then again, I guess when this ruse is over, she’ll be getting it back.
After the exchange of rings, we’re told to kiss, and Jonah takes me into his arms. He brushes his knuckle along my cheek, a caress so soft and tender, I have to remind myself this marriage isn’t real. His smile is slow as he leans into me, and when his lips touch mine, my heart pounds in my chest. His lips linger, and his hand tighten around my back to pull me close.
Zander clears his throat, and Jonah breaks the kiss.
I catch Zander’s eye—and he grins at me.
My pulse jumps. Why do I get the feeling that he knows what we’re doing behind closed doors? But if he does, why isn’t he saying something?
The ceremony is over quickly, and once all the proper papers are signed, we leave city hall. Jonah takes Daisy from his mother, and I glance around, half-expecting Shari to pounce. But she’s nowhere to be found. In fact, for the last couple of weeks, since Jonah took her home drunk that night, she’s been gone. Rumor had it she was on a drinking binge, off partying with friends. At least Zander was able to get the information on Daisy’s doctor, and after this ceremony, that’s where we’ll be taking her.
No reception.
No honeymoon.
No nothing.
It’s not a real marriage.
Outside, the sunshine beats down on us as everyone makes their ways to their cars. I give Dad a kiss before Zander helps him into the passenger seat of Zander’s car. I look for Jonah, find him talking to his parents. Tina steps up to me, but she has a worried look on her face.
“You okay?”
“I’m good.”
She nudges me. “Hey, it’s your wedding day, you should be smiling.”
I force a smile. “I am. See?”
“I was afraid of this.”
I shade the sun from my eyes. “Afraid of what?”
“You like him. You really like him.”
I’m about to protest, but this is my best friend and she can see right through me. “Yeah, I know.”
“And you love that little girl.”
Jonah bounces Daisy in his arms and she laughs out loud. An invisible band squeezes my heart. “I do. But it’s not like that for him, Tina. I’m just doing him a favor. He wants me with him for Daisy.”
Oh, how I wish he wanted me for him, too.
“Maybe you’re wrong. Did you ever think of that?”
My gaz
e flies to hers. “What makes you say that?”
Her eyes go wide. “Ah, did you not see the way he kissed you?”
I shrug, too afraid to believe we could have more. Too afraid of getting hurt. What if we did give this family thing a go, and he decided hockey was more important? My God, why did I ever agree to this?
Because I promised Daisy I’d do whatever I had to in order to protect her.
But when I really thing about it, my actions won’t be any different than my own mother’s. Daisy will grow accustomed to me and in the end, when Jonah secures custody, I’ll be out of the picture, abandoning her, the way my mother abandoned me.