Page 8 of The Stick Handler

If only this was our honeymoon—a real one. Then again, everything about it is wrong, because this isn’t where she’d want to be. If I said as much, she’d no doubt flee, and I’d lose the best friend I ever had. But how can I fucking go on pretending? I can never marry or love another woman, not when I can’t get past Katee. That much is obvious.

Then go get her.

Wait, what?

If you love her so much, make her see you as a real guy. Show her what the two of you could have together.

I pause as some inner voice urges me to go after what I want. Should I? Should I pull out all the plays and get my best friend to look at me as more?

What if ruins our friendship and she runs the other way?

What if she doesn’t?

Fuck knows, I’m miserable. Can’t move forward, backward or upside down in life and will likely end up miserable and alone if I don’t do something. As that thought runs around my brain and taunts me, I go back to the fridge and pull out one more item. Oysters.

“Hey Luke, I found a station with chick flicks.”

“Great,” I groan.

She laughs. “Come on, don’t pretend you don’t like them.”

I plate the food, grab two beers from the fridge and step back into the main living area. The fire is now blazing, creating a warm blue glow in the cozy chalet. I hand her a beer, and set the plate on the bed between us. As I do I can’t help but think of Ari. She’d never be caught eating in bed, let alone drinking beer. When it comes right down to it, she’s the antithesis of Katee. Maybe that’s why I went with it. Nothing about her reminded me of the girl I’m crazy about. Seriously though, did I really think that would help me move on?

When Katee sees all the food, she gives a deep, sexy moan that strokes my dick. “My favorites.”

“I know. Mine too. I had the placed stocked for my honeymoon.”

She gives me a disbelieving look. “Are you telling me Arianna eats cream cheese and crackers?”

“No, but you do, so I called in yesterday and added a few things to the list.”

“Aww, you’re so sweet. I probably shouldn’t eat any of this, though.”

I pick up a buttery cracker and put it in her mouth. Her eyes roll back. “You’re perfect, I told you that. Now eat.”

As she chews the cracker, she picks up an oyster and crinkles her nose. “Wait, Oysters? Since when did we start eating oysters?”

I wink at her. “It’s our honeymoon. Helps with the mood.”

Rolling her eyes at me, she slides one into her mouth. “Mmm…delish.” Goddammit, that mouth. What I’d do to slide my cock in there, hear her moan around it. “Wait, I didn’t just swallow a pearl, did I?”

I laugh at that. “Pretty sure you didn’t.”

“It would be cool to find a pearl in one, though, don’t you think?”

“Chances are slim.”

“Still, a girl can hope, and what fun it would be to open one and find a surprise inside.” She licks her bottom lip, and to stop myself from leaning into her, and tasting her mouth, I glance at the TV. I read the little logo on the bottom right of the screen. “I’m not watching any station called Passionflix, unless it’s porn.”

Katee giggles and nudges me. “Remember that time we watched that dirty show when your mom and dad were out?”

I fix my pillow, settle against the headboard, and toss an oyster into my mouth. “I remember.” Fuck, do I ever remember. It was the beginning of my porn addiction. One that led to many nights masturbating to the image of Katee.

“That was kind of fun,” she says, reaching for a cracker. “Very educational.”

I nearly choke on my oyster. “Educational?”

She shrugs and spreads cream cheese on a cracker. “I was sixteen. I had never given a blow job before and had no idea what to experience in bed.”