Page 41 of The Stick Handler

“It feels different. But I like it.” I like it so much that a bundle of emotions hits me in the center of my chest. I can’t believe Luke is taking me like this. That he’s my first. An invisible band tightens around my heart, and tears prick my eyes. Why the hell am I crying? Oh, probably because this man is my best friend, and I want this with him. All of this. Every day. For the rest of my life.

He moves inside me and I lift my hips for him. “You are so beautiful,” he says, his voice a low soft murmur that brings on more tears. I sniff, and bury my face in the sheets. The last thing he needs to see is how emotional this is all making me. We’re having sex. This isn’t about love or the future, right?

His fingers bite into my skin. “You want my cum, Katee?”

“Yes,” I say my voice muffled by the bedding. “I want everything,” I say, and mean every word of it. I never should have slept with him. It only made me realize how much I love him. How the hell am I ever going to keep my feelings from him? The man can read me like a book. But if I don’t hide my emotions, what will become of us? I’ll lose my best friend and that can’t happen.

He stills inside me and leans over me, his breath hot on my back. “I love that I’m your first, Katee,” he says, and his cock pulses inside me as he fills me with his seed.

When he stops spasming, he slowly pulls out, and falls over me. He kisses my back and neck, and I let loose a long sigh. “You okay?” he asks, his voice so achingly tender, my heart misses a beat.

“I’m good,” I say. “I think this might be my favorite yet.”

He chuckles at that. “I’m going to get you some water and run you a bubble bath.”

“Mmm,” I say, and stretch out, my body tired from all the physical activity. I let my lids fall shut, and sleep pulls at me, but the next thing I know, Luke is lifting my limp body and taking me to the big Jacuzzi tub. He sets me on my feet and helps me in, then hands me a glass of water. I take a long pull, and he finishes it off.

“Are you going to join me?” I ask. He grins at me, and I lean forward for him to climb in behind me. He touches my shoulders and pulls me back until I’m relaxed against him. I glance out the skylight and look at the stars. As we lightly touch each other, a phone rings from begins the closet door, and I stiffen.

“That’s your phone,” I say.

“Leave it.”

I crane my neck to see him over my shoulder. His face is tight, the muscle along his jaw clenching. “I think you should at least see who’s calling.”

“I’m on my honeymoon. I don’t have to answer to anyone.”

“What if it’s Ari? What if she’s changed her mind?”

“Let’s hope she has,” he says under his breath, his words so low, I’m not sure he meant for me to hear them.

As I think about that, my stomach clenches. I want Luke to be happy. And if being with Ari is what he wants, then I have to keep my emotions to myself. But I love him so goddamn much, want him all for myself.

Oh God, Katee, what have you gone and gotten yourself in to?



The pool area is set up like a Caribbean resort, with a swim-up bar, and palm trees throughout. There are numerous lounge chairs, and cabana beds around the perimeter, and even tiled lounge chairs set into the pool. I reach for the fruity drink Katee insisted I order and take a sip. It’s some concoction with rum and coconut milk. It’s not bad, but I could have done without the umbrella. Today is Valentine’s day and the honeymoon package comes with a nice romantic dinner for the two of us tonight.

Afterward, I’m going to have to tell her how I really feel. I’ll keep the part about Ari to myself, that it was me who wanted to break up. But by now, Katee has to know what I feel for her is more than friendship, and I’d give my left nut to bet she feels the same way. It’s time she knows that what we’ve really been doing is making love.

She waves to me from the pool as the entertainment director sets up the water volleyball net. I wave back as she swims off with Becca. The two have really hit it off and I wasn’t kidding when I said we could visit them in Canada. They swim to the shallow end where a mom is slowly introducing her young baby to the warm water. My heart pinches when Katee drops down to greet the child. The next thing I know she’s holding the baby, and the warm smile on her face speaks volumes.

From beside me, Trey stretches out and takes a sip of his beer. I glance his way and before I know it, the conversation has turned to hockey. As it always does. But I don’t mind. He’s just interested in the game and I could talk hockey for hours.

By the time I turn back to the pool, I see Katee and Becca, along with a bunch of other people, in the middle of a water volley ball game. Katee hits the ball and misses. When she goes under the water, I sit up a little straighter, but then some guy’s hands are all over her, pulling her up. She finds her footing, and they both laugh as she brushes her hair from her face. They reset the game and I can’t help but notice the douche bag continues to stand close to her.

Anger simmers through my blood, and I work to pull myself together. Like I said, I’m not a violent man, but when push comes to shove, I’ll shove. Yeah, I’ll shove any guy hovering around my girl, gawking at her like he’s looking for a piece of the action.

My girl.

Hell yeah, she’s my girl, and it’s time she knows it.

That thought gives me pause and takes me back to Ari. What will I do if she ruins my reputation, and gets me fired? Am I willing to take that chance? I worked my fucking ass off to get where I am today, but when it comes right down to it, how is any of it worth it if I don’t have Katee in my life and in my bed? I guess I’ll have to take a chance and let my skills and reputation speak for themselves.

I sit there for another second, and the game eventually ends. Trey’s voice pulls me back.