Page 38 of The Stick Handler

“Mmm, so good.” She swallows, washes it down with another drink, and sits back in her chair. “Remember that time we used the bread machine to make pizza dough,” she begins, and just like that we lose ourselves in old stories. Our meals come, and we eat, laugh, and drink too much champagne. Katee is giggly by the time we’re finished.

“I need to go for a walk,” she says. “Work off the food and champagne.”

“Good plan.” We take the elevator to our floor, change into jeans and sweaters, and bundle up in our winter coats before we head to the lobby. When we reach the main doors, we run in to Becca and Trey.

“Hey you two, how’s the presidential suite?” Becca asks.

Color fills Katee’s cheeks, and I grin. She must be thinking about all the fun things we’ve been doing in that suite.

“It’s amazing.”

Trey gestures toward the doors. “We were just heading to the club for drinks and dancing. Come with us.”

“Sounds like fun, what do you think, Katee?” I ask.

“Let’s do it.”

We head outside and the cold air blasts our faces. Our Canadian friends don’t seem to be bothered by it. Katee and Becca talk about today’s helicopter flight, while Trey and I talk hockey. Katee is shivering by the time we reach the club. I find us a table, and help her from her coat. She snuggles in next to me.

“I can never get warm here,” she says.

“Did you read about the heated outdoor pool?” Becca asks. “I haven’t tried it yet, but it’s on my list of things to do.”

“Now it’s on mine.”

The server comes and we all order a drink. “I probably shouldn’t have anything. We had champagne at dinner.”

“I think you worked it off with all that shivering,” I say, and look out over the dance floor.

“What part of Canada are you from?” Katee asks our new friends.

“Calgary. You should come visit.”

“Next time I play there, maybe Katee will come and we’ll get together.”

Katee gives me an odd look, but I don’t comment on it. She’s probably thinking that will never happen, because once this trip is over, Ari and I will be getting back together. But that’s not what I want. I can’t help but wonder if on some level Katee knows that. She knows I’m a one-woman kind of guy, and wouldn’t sleep with someone if I was committed. I’m not a cheater, that’s for sure.

A slower song comes on and I reach for Katee’s hand. “Let’s dance.”

“Great idea,” Becca says, and jumps up and drags a grumbling Trey to the dance floor. We laugh and fall in beside them. I pull Katee close and put my hands on her hips. We sway together, and as she brushes up against me, I dip my head and close my lips over hers. I kiss her softly, a slow caress over her bottom lip with my tongue and she exhales a soft sigh.

“You having a good night?” I ask.

“The best.”

My hands fall lower, until I’m cupping her ass, and she chuckles against me. “I always thought you were a leg man, now I’m beginning to wonder.”

“Have you seen this ass?”

“Hard to miss,” I say.

She laughs. “You are perfect.”

“You know what, Luke,” she says, her voice thoughtful. She goes quiet, looks around the room, and says, “This whole vacation has been perfect. There isn’t anyone else I’d rather go on a honeymoon with.”

My heart leaps. Earlier tonight, when she described her perfect guy, she had me down to a T. I can’t help but think I’ve opened her eyes to how good we are together and she’s beginning to see me as more.

“It’s not over yet,” I say.