Page 20 of The Stick Handler

Cheers erupt as she hands out sheets of paper attached to a clipboard and pencils to all the women. “What the heck are t

hey going to make us do?” I ask.

“Beats me,” Luke says. “As long as you don’t have to draw, we’ll be okay.”

“Hey,” I say and whack him. “I’m not that bad.” Okay, I am that bad and Luke damn well knows it.

“How this game works is I’m going to ask some questions and the women will write their answer on the paper. Do not let your spouse see it.” She waves her hand toward a back table. “We have a prize for everyone, and one grand prize to the last remaining couple.”

I set my drink on the small table beside me, and wag my brows at Luke. “We got this.”

“Okay, first question,” Veronica begins. “What’s the one thing your guy would save in a fire, besides you?”

I grin at Luke, and scribble my answer on the paper. Once we’re done, Veronica begins to go around the room. “Couple number one,” she says to the guy and girl at the end of the row, and points to the guy. “What’s your answer?”

“My old baseball cards,” he says, and his spouse smiles and holds up her sheet of paper, which says, baseball cards. Everyone claps, and the pair kiss each other. She goes around the room, polling all the couples, and some of the answers are hilarious.

When she gets to Luke, he says, “My hockey stick.”

“Yay,” I say, and hold up my paper, which says hockey stick. I nudge him. “Too easy.”

Only one couple gets eliminated and they are given a gift bag with prizes in it.

“Now hand the clipboard and pen to the guys.” Papers shuffle for a moment, then she begins again. “Okay, ladies, what was the first movie you ever saw together.”

“Oh, shit,” Luke says, and I whack him.

“You know this.” He makes a face like he doesn’t, and I swear if he gets it wrong, I’ll pinch his…oh, wait. No, I won’t pinch his nipple, otherwise he’ll pinch mine and that would be…horrible…painful…. Fun?

Oh, God.

I suck in a fast breath, and Luke’s eyes narrow in on me. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” I say breathlessly. “Good.”

He writes his answer down and Veronica goes around the room again. When she gets to me, I say, “The Lion King.” Luke grins and holds up the answer. The Lion King.

“Really?” Becca asks.

“Luke and I’ve been best friends since kindergarten,” I say, and she makes an aww sound.

With two more couples eliminated, there are only five couples left. We play a little more, and we answer questions, such as what’s his most annoying habit, or her favorite body part. How he knew my favorite part on a guy was his ass is beyond me. Then again maybe it’s just Luke’s ass that always draws my attention and he had caught me staring at it a time or two. But dammit, the guy looks pretty damn good in his low-slung jeans.

“Okay, last question,” Veronica says when it’s only Luke, me, Becca and Trey left. She picks the card up and her eyes go wide. “Oh, this is a good one. Okay, how does your guy like to fall asleep. Cuddling, or apart?”

My mind goes back to all the times we fell asleep, most with me laying over him and listening to his strong heartbeat as he holds me close. I quickly write cuddling.

“Okay guys, what’s the answer. Both men answer cuddling, and Becca and I laugh as we hold up our answers.

“I think I’m going to have to find a hard one,” Veronica says. She grabs another card. “Okay, how about this. “What is your wife’s favorite saying, and what is your response?” Luke scribbles something on his paper, and takes a pull from his beer bottle. He seems to be quite pleased with himself.

“Okay, ladies, what’s the answer?”

Becca goes first and says, “I’m always saying, what goes around comes around, and Trey always responds with that’s karma.”

Trey groans and holds up his card, which says, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, and I always say, it ain’t broke because you didn’t touch it.”

Becca smacks her hand to her forehead, and laughs. “You’re right, I do say that a lot, and that’s how you respond.”