Page 34 of The Stick Handler

The brunette fishes a pen and notepad from her purse. “We’ll be at the bar tonight. Why don’t you both come, have a drink with us.”

“Sorry, but we can’t. We already have plans.”

“Well, if anything changes…” the girl says refusing to let it go. Goddammit, I’m standing right here. I shift from one foot to the next and think about tripping one of them. Luke gives the autographs, makes a bit more small talk, and then puts his arm around my waist to lead me away. I shake my head.

“Yeah, I know,” he says.

I angle my head to see him. “Why did you tell them I was your wife?”

He gives a casual shrug. “Well, you are.”

“No, I’m not. But that comment about having children was pretty funny.” He laughs. “Would you have signed her fake boob if I wasn’t standing there?” I ask, then wish I hadn’t. I sound like a jealous wife, and before Ari came along, those were the kind of girls Luke would have been found hanging out with. I wasn’t jealous then. At least I didn’t think I was. Oh, God, maybe I was. Maybe I just buried all the things I felt. Knew better than to crush on my best friend.

Then again, maybe all this sex is messing with my emotions. I should probably put a stop to it right away. Or tomorrow.

“No. My boob signing days are behind me.” He grins at me and nudges me with his shoulder. “Besides why would I want to see her breasts when yours are so perfect.”

As we head to the elevators, I whack him in the gut. “Whatever.” He bends forward and makes a big deal from the hit and I just roll my eyes at him. “What are these plans we have for tonight?”

“I booked the rooftop restaurant. A romantic candlelight dinner for two, then if I play my cards right, I’m going to play with those perfect breasts of yours.”

We stop at the elevator and he jabs the button. “I’m sure you’ll play your cards right, Luke. But before you do.” I go up on my toes and put my mouth to his ear. “I’d love to give you another blow job. The last one didn’t last long.”

“Jesus, Christ,” he says and laughs.

“What?” I ask innocently, and flutter my lashes at him.

“First, don’t say stuff like that to me when we’re in a lobby full of people.” He glances over his shoulder and puts his hands in front of his crotch. “Second, how the fuck did you expect me to last? Jesus, that mouth of yours.”

I chuckle, loving that we can tease each other like this, and that he really likes my mouth on him. I kind of like my mouth on him, too.

The doors open and we step on, and move to the back as other come in behind us. I lean against Luke, and melt into his body when he put his hands on my hip. I like how we fit together, how he’s just so damn easy to be with. But in less than a week, he’ll likely be back with Arianna, carrying forward with their plans to marry. A lump fills my throat. I really don’t like that girl. Then again, have I ever really liked any of the women he’s gone out with? None of them were good enough for him, as far as I was always concerned. Luke never really liked the guys I’ve dated either. I guess that’s just the way it is with best friends.

The elevator stops a few times, and we’re alone when we finally reach the top floor. There is only one other floor, and that’s the rooftop restaurant, all glass panels t

o look out over the mountains.

We step off the elevator, and Luke lets us into our room. I still can’t get over the fact that we’re staying is such a posh place. “What time is dinner?” I ask, but let loose a little gasp when Luke grabs me, holds me against the closed door and kisses me, hard. When we break apart, I’m breathless.

“What was that for?” I ask and put my hand on his chest.

“For teasing the hell out of me when I couldn’t do anything about it.”

I grin at him. “Well, now that I know what the punishment is for teasing…”

“Oh, you think that’s only kind of punishment I give out?”

“It’s not?”

“No, and if you do it again, you’ll see what real punishment is like.”

A jolt of heat goes through me. There is a filthy side to my best friend that I never knew about, but goddammit, I like it. “Well, then…”

“Careful, Katee Kat,” he says playfully, but the heat in his eyes turns me on even more and makes me want to experience his brand of punishment firsthand.

I swallow. “What time is dinner?” I ask.

He checks his watch. “One hour. Enough time for us to shower and dress.”