Page 9 of The Playmaker

“Of course they are.”

“If you ask me—”

“I didn’t ask you.”

“Come on, admit it. You want a rage ride and you know it.”

I stop and turn to face Jess, planting one hand on my hip. “Save the therapy for the classroom, Jess. I’m not one of your seniors in need of sex advice.”

“Okay then, don’t anger-bang him.” She shrugs. “But what’s a little kiss between friends? He gets what he wants, you get what you want.”

What do I want?

The sudden vision of his mouth on mine flashes through me, and a big ball of fiery heat follows. I gulp, and work to refocus.

“Okay, counselor. In your opinion, what do you think he wants, exactly? Why would he make kissing a condition? He doesn’t like me. I don’t like him.”

“Ah, so now you want my advice, do you?”

“Seriously, I just don’t get it.” I start pacing again.

Her jaw drops open and she looks at me like I’m a bit dense. “Did you ever stop to think that he might like you?”

“Like me? Ha! I think it’s more about teasing me, like he used to do when we were kids. He’s on a power trip, always has been. God, what an ass.” I walk to the window and pull my curtain back in time to see Mr. Johnson circle the black Mustang parked on the street in front of my building. What a ridiculous muscle car. With that ridiculous muffler that the neighbors can hear long before they see me coming.

Overcompensating much?

“If he’s such an ass, he wouldn’t have lent you his car to drive, for as long as you need it, instead of you bussing out to his place all the time.”

“Yeah, so, that doesn’t mean anything. It’s probably so I can get there faster so he can toy with me longer. This is all your fault, you know.”

“Hey, I didn’t twist your arm.”

“But you did put the idea of sex in my brain,” I whisper under my breath, but not quietly enough, because Jess, with her Vulcan hearing, jumps from the sofa with a huge-ass grin on her face.

“I knew it.”

Giving up the act, I sink down onto the coffee table and bury my face in my hands. “Jesus, Jess, you should have seen him. He’s a cocky ass, yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s freaking hot. He walked around in nothing but his jeans, and then he took them off to get in the pool. He actually went swimming in his boxers. In front of me. He even invited me in.”

I spread my fingers and glance at my friend. Her eyes go wide, and she plops onto the sofa across from me and rubs her hands together, waiting for all the juicy details. “Ohmigod, I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on me. Tell me everything.”

“He took his pants off. Like it was nothing. Like we undress in front of each other all the time.” I groan and shake my head.

“So, is it true then? Do they call him the Cannon because he’s loaded?”

I nod, unable to form the words as my mind races back to the sexy image of him standing by his pool…to the big bulge in his shorts, specifically.

Excited by my confirmation, Jess throws her hands up in the air. “I knew it! Now you have to sleep with him.”

“I don’t have to do anything.” I glance at my clock. “Other than go to his house and watch tonight’s game with him.” I stand and smooth my hair back. “But first I’m going to eat a Caesar salad with extra garlic.”

Jess laughs. “I think it might take a lot more than garlic to deter him from kissing you.” She gives me the once over, her face thoughtful as she taps her chin, her eyes narrowing in concentration as she takes in my clothes. “Is that what you’re wearing?”

I look at my frayed jean shorts and tank top. “It’s too hot for anything else. Do you think I should change?”

She points at my legs. “No, you’re sexy as hell in those shorts, and that tank really shows off your tits.”

Tit for tat.