“I think I should be the one asking you that question.”
“Nothing’s going on with me.”
“Why you fucking lying to me?”
Jesus fuck, he knows. He has to know.
As the room grows hot, I straighten on my stool. “I’m…you’re my best friend, Cason. I’d never want to do anything to hurt you.”
“Why did Nina ask me to give you this?” He reaches into his pocket. “I’ve been thinking about it all day. Trying to figure it out.”
I tug at the collar on my T-shirt. “Give me what?”
He pulls something from his pocket, slams it on the counter—and my seized heart nearly jumps out of my goddamn chest.
“What’s this all about?” Cason asks.
I pick up the little toy helicopter, my big fingers shaking as I fumble with the plastic model. I examine it, think back to the day dear old Dad destroyed my toy, my childhood…my dreams. I grab the small crushed envelope taped to it, open it up and see she also bought me flying lessons.
I suck in a fast breath and hold it. Never in a million years could Nina know what this means to me. My throat tightens to the point of pain, and I nearly fucking sob.
Jesus, fuck.
I shift on my seat, almost fall the fuck off as the world around me spins. But why would she do this? She has no money to pay her bills, and yet she went and did this for me? Ever since I hit it big in the NHL, women have wanted something from me, and while Nina came to me wanting lessons, the truth is, she gave me more than she ever took.
I turn the toy over in my hand, and then squeeze it in my fist as my pulse jackhammers. Tears pound against the back of my eyes, drum in my ears, and my throat feels like someone had just taken a cheese grater to it.
“Something you want to tell me, Cole?”
“I…” I try to speak, get the words out, but what am I supposed to say? This is my best friend, and I went behind his back and slept with his sister. What kind of a guy does that? Not a very good one. Which again, reminds me Nina deserves so much better than the likes of me
“What?” Cason asks, his voice hard, demanding.
“I love her, Cason,” I say fast, breathless.
What the hell am I doing?
I have no idea, but now that the truth is out, I can’t help but say it again. “I fucking love her.”
He goes quiet, too quiet, and I sit there, uncomfortable as he glares at me.
“She came to me asking for hockey lessons, and, well…”
“Well what?” he asks through clenched teeth.
“Things happened. We happened.”
He takes a long pull from his beer bottle and when it hits the counter with a thud, my heart jumps.
“So there are a million bunnies after your dick and you go and sleep with my sister.”
“Yeah.” I tense, every muscle in my body tight as I admit, “But she’s the only girl I’ve ever loved, and I don’t fucking want to be with anyone but her.”
He glares at me for a long time, and then his hard features soften. “I know.”
My head rears back. “You do?”
“Yeah. I do.”