“I thought you didn’t like surprises.”
“I don’t.” I poke him in the chest. “But you do.”
“The only surprise I want is you naked and tied to my bed.”
“I’m pretty sure we can make that happen.”
“Fuck,” he says, and adjusts his pants. “Now I’m going to spend the rest of the day with a fucking hard-on.”
I laugh, loving this playful side of him. “See you later,” I say.
“Yeah, you will. Every inch of me,” he says as I skate off, my heart so full I’m sure it’s going to burst.
Jack pulls his rental onto my street, and my heart picks up when I see my Mustang in the driveway. I have no idea what surprise Nina has waiting for, and it doesn’t really matter. All I care about is getting my arms around her again. I want—no, need—her in a way I’ve never needed anyone, and that shit scares the living hell out of me.
Did I really ask her to move into my place?
She was shocked at my offer. Hell, so was I. And what was I really putting out there, anyway? Was I simply offering her a place for her to lay her head, or asking her to be mine? I don’t know. Maybe knowing Jack is going to ask Tabby to marry him is fucking with me.
When it comes right down to it, Nina doesn’t know the real me. She wouldn’t like that guy. No one does. But that doesn’t mean I don’t worry or care about her. I fucking do.
Earlier today, I wanted to mention the trust fund that Cason set up for her, but she’s so goddamn independent. I get that she doesn’t want to touch it, wants to do things her way. But fuck, he set it up for her for a reason, and there’s no need for her to have her bills piling high and deep. I wanted to tell her that, but stopped myself. She’d probably be hurt or embarrassed if I butted into her financial business. Still, I’m not going to sit back and let her lose her condo, or go back to the home she grew up in, because she clearly doesn’t want that.
I climb from the backseat, and meet Tabby and Jack at the front of the car. We had a great day skating and hanging out at the park, getting caught up as we drank coffee. The more time I spend with Jack, the more I like him. But Tabby is keeping secrets from him, as much as I keep them from the world. Will that eventually affect their relationship? I don’t know, but I sure as hell hope not.
I hurry to the front door, and when I open it, the delicious scent of garlic reaches my nose. My stomach grumbles as Tabby and Jack follow me in.
“What is that?” Tabby asks. “It smells delicious.”
Nina comes from the kitchen, wearing an apron. Her hair is pulled back and there’s a flush on her cheeks, but there is also a light in her eyes I’ve never seen before. I’ve never seen her look more beautiful or more at home.
Home. Jesus, that is exactly what I want with her.
“Hey. Right on time,” she says as she glances at the clock.
“Was dinner the big surprise?”
“Lasagna, and only part of it.” She crooks her finger. “Come see.”
I follow her into the kitchen—and go perfectly still when I see a male figure sitting at the island.
My skin itches, like a thousand angry insects have taken up residency, as my blood thickens in my veins. My heart thumps, pressure building against the back of my eyes as my nerves fire.
“Hey, what—” Tabby begins, crashing into my back when I come to an abrupt stop. She moves around me, and when she sees our father, relaxed in his chair, that familiar smug look on his face, one that says I never would have made it to the NHL if he hadn’t toughened me up, she lets out an audible gasp.
I turn toward Nina, everything from anger and pain, to confusion and grief moving at breakneck speed through my veins.
How could she do this to me? How could she invite the one man I despise into my home, my sanctuary?
Her eyes are wide, excited. “I invited your dad to dinner! I put it together that he wasn’t well and couldn’t drive, and you couldn’t drive, and I knew Tabby and Jack wanted to see him…” She folds her hands in front of her, and her words slow as her gaze goes from me to Tabby, back to me again. “I…ah…wanted to do something nice.”
“Nice.” I say though clenched teeth. “You think this is nice?”