Page 65 of The Playmaker

“Yeah, sounds good.” I step up to the card table and pull a chair out. Nina sits beside me, her face still perplexed, her eye a bit distance, like she’s remembering days gone by.

“Do you have any chips?” Tabby asks as she sits across from me.

As the tension in the room lightens, I laugh and say, “Is food all you ever think about?”

“Not all,” she says, and grins as she leans in to Jack and gives him a kiss.

“There are some things a big brother never needs to know.”

Tabby laughs, and Nina joins in when I grab her head and run my knuckles over her scalp.

“We have chips,” Nina says.


Damn, I like the sound of that.

“And wine?” Tabby asks.

“You know I always keep your favorite white wine here.”

“Oh, it was Tabby’s wine I drank last week?”

“Yeah, but I have a few more bottles stashed.” I look at Jack. “Beer?”


I slide from the chair, and Nina stands. “I’ll help you.”

“I’ll shuffle the cards,” Tabby says.

I point at her. “No cheating.”

Her jaw drops like I just said something ludicrous. “I do not cheat. Besides, you can’t cheat at this game.”

“Knowing you, you’ll still find a way.”

I turn and find Nina smiling at me.

“What?” I ask as we make our way back to the kitchen.

“I really like your sister.”

“She likes you, too.”

“You think?”

We reach the kitchen and I pull her to me. “What’s not to like, Nina?” I say, and close my mouth over hers. I’ve been dying to kiss her all night.

“What was that for?”

“No reason. Kissing anytime I want, remember? All part of the arrangement.”

She gives a curt nod at the reminder, then roots though the cupboards for the chips and a big bowl. I grab the wine, and beers, and Nina helps me with the glasses. We head back downstairs, and Tabby’s eyes go wide when she sees the chips.

She rubs her hands together. “Mmm, barbeque, my favorite.”

“Same,” Nina says.